Cracked Heel Repair, Health and Personal Care

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Cracked Heels, Foot Care

Cracked heels can be self treated if the fissures are not too deep. Left untreated, deep fissures can lead to infection. Bed time is the best time to care for your heels. Soak your feet in water and use a scrubber to remove dead skin. Treat cracked heels with thick moisturizers. Try to keep the heels continuously moisturized by wearing comfortable cotton socks.

Another common foot issue is heel pain. Heel pain is called plantar fasciitis when the pain is under the heel, whereas achilles tendinitis is pain behind the heel. Common causes of heel pain are: A one time injury, or as part of repetitive stress, or by wearing wrong type of footwear. Anti-inflammatory medicine can help reduce pain and swelling. Strengthening lower leg muscles is a good preventive measure against stress based heel pain. If heel pain does not go away with rest and home treatment then it is best to seek advise from a doctor.

Silicone Gel Heel Pads - Reduces Pain and Moisturizes Dry Heel Skin

Silicone Gel Heel Pads provide foot protection and relief from pain. Moisturizes and repairs dry and cracked skin. Free Size Socks for Women and Men. The silicone padded socks reduce Heel Pain, also known as Plantar Fasciitis. The support cushion is effective against Ankle Pain. The Silicone Gel helps eliminate Dry Heel in days. The moisturizing effect ultimately repairs the Cracked Heel. Being constantly in touch with spring water the Rough Heel becomes smooth.


The heel bone is typically subject to high pressure that can lead to fatigue and strain. Silicone Gel Heel Cushions protect the heel bone and also keep it safe from developing blisters and corns due to thickening of skin. Hydration effect of the Gel offers protection against dryness and cracking of the skin.


Excessive walking and standing along with footwear that is not properly padded can result in heel pain. The cushion in the heel protecting socks absorb shock and prevents the heel from becoing inflamed and painful.


Ensure that the Socks are hygenic - Breathable, Reusable and easily Washable. The silicone padded socks reduce Heel Pain, also known as Plantar Fasciitis. The support cushion is effective against Ankle Pain. The Silicone Gel helps eliminate Dry Heel in days. The moisturizing effect ultimately repairs the Cracked Heel. Being constantly in touch with spring water the Rough Heel becomes smooth.

Features - Silicone Gel Heel Pad; Ankle Support Cushion; Heel Swelling Pain Relief; Cracked Dry Heel Repair Cream; Moisturizing Socks; Heel Pad Socks for Women and Men.

Cracked Heel Skin Repair Cream - Foot Cream with Urea

There are specially designed foot cream that repairs cracked heels by building a moisturizing layer to protect and repair the dry inflamed broken skin of the heel. The moisturizing cream also contains 25% Urea along with essential oils.


Repairs Cracked Heels.Softens; Hydrates and Protects the Heel.

Cracked Heel Repair Balm (Video)
Foot Cream for Diabetics (Paraben Free)

There are specially designed foot cream for Diabetics that Soothes Dry, Cracked Feet and Repairs Heel. They provide hydration for dry feet; Treats cracked heels; Treats fungal infection, corns and calluses; Exfoliates dead skin cells; Foot Cream for Diabetics; Heel Repair for Diabetics.

Foot Cream for Diabetics (Video)
Silicone Gel Heel Socks

Silicone Gel Heel Socks protect the foot heel, relieve foot pain (plantar fasciitis) and help repair dry cracked heel.

Stretchable Cotton Gel Socks provide strong shock absorbence that helps reduce pain. The moisturizing Gel is an effective treatment for dry hard cracked skin. The Gel has added jojoba oil, grape seed oil, vitamin-e, rose oil that helps eliminate heel pain while repairing and moisturizing the heel.

Highly Elastic Gel. Provides hydration treatment that repairs dry, painful, hard and cracked skin. Shock Absorption through Medical Grade Gel. Sweat Absorbent Cushion. Anti-Allergy Gel. Washable and Reusable. These foot heel protectors can be used with foot cream. Free Size for Men and Women. These anti-crack Heel Gel Socks can be worn comfortably all day with all types of footwear.


Free Size Silicone Gel Heel Pads for Dry Hard Cracked Heel Repair. These Gel Heel Socks provide relief from swelling and pain in the feet. The Gel-based cushion support helps protect the foot and the ankle.

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