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Instagram-Business: Vermarkte dich selbst!
Instagram-Business: Vermarkte dich selbst!

Marketing, Social Media Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse1421820

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Du möchtest dich oder dein Business auf Instagram vermarkten, weißt aber absolut nicht wie? Zeitgleich willst du deine Reichweite vergrößern und endlich mehr Follower sammeln?Dann bist du hier genau richtig!In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du einen Business-Account erstellst und mit einem Instagram-Business-Account umgehst. Wir werden uns gemeinsam von A bis Z ansehen, wie du dich als Selbstständiger oder als Privatperson durch diesen Account optimal vermarkten kannst und wirst!Instagram-Marketing at its best. ;-)Du erfährst, wie du über deinen Kanal Produkte verkaufst und attraktive Gewinnspiele veranstaltest und so direkt über Instagram deine Produkte oder Dienstleistungen an den Mann bringst.Natürlich sprechen wir gemeinsam darüber, wie du im Zuge dessen deine Reichweite massiv erhöhst und deine Followerzahl durch die Decke schießen lässt. Dazu erhältst du in diesem Kurs alle relevanten Tools und Techniken.Zu guter Letzt werden wir uns deine Statistiken und neu gewonnenen Business-Features vornehmen und anhand dieser festmachen, was du wo verändern musst, um die Interaktion mit deinen Followern oder potentiellen Kunden zu steigern.Und klingt das gut für dich?Dann lass' uns starten und schließe dich über 300 weiteren Teilnehmern an, die bisher an meinen Instagram-Kursen teilgenommen haben und überzeuge auch du dich von Techniken, die dich garantiert weiterbringen werden.Ich freue mich auf dich!Bis gleich im Kurs,dein Alex Schreiner_______Das sagen Teilnehmer über den Kurs:Rosita Fraguela (5 Sterne):"Der Dozent erklärt nicht, wie man/Frau einen Instagram-Account erstellt, er geht davon aus, dass die/der Teilnehmer/in bereits einen "normalen" Instagram-Account hat. Er zeigt dafür Themen, die eher für "fortgeschrittene Instagram-User/innen" interessant sind: • Wie wandelt man/Frau einen "normalen Account" in einen (kostenlosen) "Business-Account" um. • Wie verknüpft einen Instagram-Account mit einer Facebook-Seite. • Statistiken verstehen und auswerten: Welche Zahlen sind relevant, wie kann man/Frau ihre/seine "Engagement-Rate" ermitteln.Mir gefällt dieser Online-Kurs total, da er neben vielen relevanten Informationen auch tolle Tipps & Tricks beinhaltet. Ein Top-Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, sehr empfehlenswert!!!"Christiane Heyn (5 Sterne):"Danke für die datailierten Beschreibungen. Der Kurs hilft mir sehr weiter bei Instagram!"Juliane Viktoria Hutterer (5 Sterne):"Unglaublich gut erklärt! Habe einiges lernen können. Danke für diesen Kurs!"Baerbel Doerfeld (5 Sterne):"Der Kurs hat mir sehr viel neues Wissen vermittelt. Der Autor beherrscht sein Fach. Kann den Kurs jedem empfehlen, der mehr zu diesem Thema erlernen möchte."

Marketing, Social Media Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse1421820

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

5) CBDM: Certified Business Data Modeler
5) CBDM: Certified Business Data Modeler

Business, Business Analytics & Intelligence

SKU: linksharecourse642004

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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The Course Image for this CBDM course is an Automobile Assembly Line, which, similar to the CSMF Exam, is the focus of the Data Modeling Case Study Workshop that comprises the CBDM Exam. Section 1 andSection 2 of this Certification course were extracted from Sections 2 and 3 of Module 2: Rapid Delivery Methods for Enterprise Architecture. These are repeated here and intended to enable you to review the main principles of business-driven data modeling and business normalization before completing the Data Modeling Workshop in Section 3, which is the CBDM Exam. You are also required to complete the Quizzes in Section 3. This Course comprises 3 Sections and a total of 30 lectures and 2 quizzes that teach the Business-Driven Data Modeling and the Business Normalization concepts used for business-driven data modeling projects. Each Lecture includes a Lecture Description. Each lecture may also have resources available to be downloaded. These are listed in a table of Resources Available on the back page of each Section Cover Sheet that is printed double-sided. This table notes the Section and Lecture where the resource can be found. Click the Resources Available button in one of these lectures and next click the Filename on the screen to download the resource in PDF. Section 1 Lectures 1 - 14 teach the concepts of Business-Driven Data Mapping. In Section 1 Lecture 1, Fully-Assembled CBDM Course Handouts for the entire course can be downloaded in PDF to use when viewing the video lectures in the Course. Section 1 includes Exercise Problems to be progressively completed throughout the lectures. The Sample Solutions for Section 1 can be downloaded in Bonus Lectures 12 - 14. Section 2 Lectures 15 - 26 teach the concepts of Business Normalization. Section 2 includes Exercise Problems to be progressively completed throughout the lectures. The Sample Solutions for Section 2 can be downloaded in Bonus Lectures 25 - 26.Section 3 Lecture 30 discusses the Data Modeling Case Study Workshop, which is the CBDM Exam. Your solution to this workshop becomes your CBDM Exam solution. In Lecture 30 the "Data Modeling Case Study Workshop Reference Manual" can be downloaded in PDF. This details the Data Modeling Case Study Workshop Problem Statements, to refer to when you are developing your solution to the Case Study Workshop Problem. The Data Modeling Case Study Workshop Reference Manual provides an overview of the features of Visible Advantage. It then includes step-by-step instructions to be used to enter your workshop solution, to test it and finally to email it to Visible Systems Corporation who will assess your CBDM Exam and CBDM Qualification.

Business, Business Analytics & Intelligence

SKU: linksharecourse642004

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

T-Shirt Design erstellen mit Canva für dein T-Shirt Business
T-Shirt Design erstellen mit Canva für dein T-Shirt Business

Design, Graphic Design & Illustration

SKU: linksharecourse1996190

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Dieser Kurs richtet sich in erster Linie an T-Shirt Design Anfänger die mal ganz schnell ein T-Shirt Design erstellen wollen entweder für sich oder um es zum Verkauf anzubieten. Schritt für Schritt führe ich dich durch den Design Prozess und am Ende werden wir ein Cooles T-Shirt Design erstellt haben das wir zum Verkauf anbieten werden. Ich freu mich wenn du mit dabei bist.

Design, Graphic Design & Illustration

SKU: linksharecourse1996190

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

R12i Oracle E Business Suite Fundamentals - Advanced
R12i Oracle E Business Suite Fundamentals - Advanced

Office Productivity, Oracle

SKU: linksharecourse33815

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Oracle E Business Suite is the most comprehensive suite of integrated global business applications that provides the most adaptable global business plantform. It helps to provides the most customer-focused applications strategy, which is further complemented by the integrated business intelligence portfolio. In this class you will learn the Oracle E Business Suite Release 12i Fundamental Concepts. The class goes with a basic assumption that the participants have no working knowledge of Enterprise Software, and hence starts with the fundamental concept of an Enterprise. It then introduces the concept of enterprise software and Oracle E Business Suite. The participants will then be introduced to various concepts right from logging-in to Oracle Applications, to Navigating through Responsibilities, Menus, Forms and running standard Reports. The trainer will then take you to deeper concepts of understanding Flexfields, Oracle Applications architecture, integrated business applications, concepts of Oracle Worklow and Alerts, and finally detailed sessions on Oracle Systems Administrator and Application Developer roles and underlying concepts. Targeted Certification Exam Number = IZ0-204Exam Name = Oracle E Business Suite R12: E Business Essentials

Office Productivity, Oracle

SKU: linksharecourse33815

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Data Modelling and Database Design for Business Analysts
Data Modelling and Database Design for Business Analysts

IT & Software, Other IT & Software

SKU: linksharecourse1641148

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Overall Course Objective: Gain two essential skills to become a Business Analyst Data modelling Relational Database Design Learning Outcomes (LOs): Understand Database and Relational Database Understand Data Modelling Learn to Develop Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Design Database Analyze real life business/organizations to model data requirement Course Outline: Database and Relational Database Tables (database tables and its elements) Case Study Analysis (real life scenario analysis) Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Anomalies (Insert, Update, Delete) Dependency (Functional, Partial and Transitive) Normalization (UNF, 1NF, 2NF and 3NF) Database Development Steps

IT & Software, Other IT & Software

SKU: linksharecourse1641148

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Mobile Video for Business
Mobile Video for Business

Photography & Video, Video Design

SKU: linksharecourse3267342

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Mobile Video for Business - How to shoot videos on your smartphone is a comprehensive online course for entrepreneurs, creators, marketing teams and social media managers who want to start producing high-quality videos with their smartphone to grow their audience.If you want to produce professional video content for your website, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, or LinkedIn as cheaply as possible, you're in the right place. Learn how to use the smartphone you already own to easily record and edit professional videos. In this online course, we're sharing all you need to know to start your own video projects with confidence. Learn about lighting with natural light, audio recording techniques, composition, useful equipment and how to tell a good story with videos. You'll be able to put everything into practice without additional equipment but we'll also show you what to look for when buying accessories for your smartphone. To get the best out of your mobile video shots, we'll also cover how to edit the videos with the free editing app Adobe Premiere Rush - directly on your phone.No matter if you're using an iPhone or an Android phone. After watching this course, you'll know how to produce great videos for your content needs.

Photography & Video, Video Design

SKU: linksharecourse3267342

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Business da zero + Certificato
Business da zero + Certificato

Business, Entrepreneurship

SKU: linksharecourse4562392

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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In questo corso vedremo insieme come affrontare, sin dai primi passi, le sfide che si presentano agli imprenditori dei giorni nostri. Solo il 6% delle Start up sopravvive al primo anno, ed il 57% delle Start up che hanno fallito attribuiscono le colpe all'inesperienza ed alla mancanza delle basi.In questo corso impareremo insieme non solo la teoria che potrete apprendere banalmente dai libri e online, ma la parte pratica che consente anche a chi è meno tendente al rischio d'impresa, di lanciarsi in un nuovo progetto imprenditoriale.Partiremo dalle basi del brainstorming e la validazione delle idee, alla gestione del rischio nella direzione del Business.Vedremo insieme come scegliere la struttura adatta, gli strumenti per la pianificazione aziendale, l'analisi di report aziendali affinchè possiamo scegliere con raziocinio se rendere un sogno reale o lasciarlo tale.Ogni secondo nel mondo nascono almeno tre Start up e secondo gli studi, per ogni idea che ci viene in mente, almeno altre sette persone nel mondo la hanno avuto identica. Quello che fa la differenza nel mercato è essere versatili, saper leggere i numeri, valutarsi e valutare gli agenti esterni e testare in continuazione.Vedremo insieme come farlo nel modo più consono e con budget limitato affinchè possiamo renderci conto se ha senso investire nell'idea o meno.

Business, Entrepreneurship

SKU: linksharecourse4562392

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Start a T-shirt Print on Demand(POD)Business - Zero to Hero
Start a T-shirt Print on Demand(POD)Business - Zero to Hero

Business, E-Commerce

SKU: linksharecourse4255940

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Welcome to T-shirt Design A-Z: Start a T-shirt Print on Demand Business without any experience. In this course ,you will learn how to create attractive and eye-catching T-shirt designs in Canva and edit them to make them suitable for Print-on-Demand marketplaces. In this course, we will be starting a Print on Demand business. You will learn everything you need to know to start a T-shirt Print on Demand business. You will learn about Trademarks and Copyrights & also explore the US Trademark database. I will also guide you through the Merch by Amazon content creator application process. We will see how you can scale your business by creating your own website/store and doing marketing and scaling your POD business to do without printing, shipping & holding any inventory/stocks.In this course:What is the POD business model?How to create trendy t-shirt designs Editing those design to make it suitable for various marketplace Learn about trademarks & copyrights lawChoose best marketplace where we can list our products (Analysing marketplaces)List our products to marketplace How to market our products and learning about Facebook adsHow to scale our POD business to moon with our own website and marketing.By the end of this course, you will have a Print on Demand business with a live listing and you will also be confident in dealing with Trademarks and Copyright.You do NOT need any prior experience in graphic design to be able to complete this project. This course is beginner-friendly. You do NOT need to spend a single penny to start a T-shirt Print-on-Demand business.By the end of this course, you will be able to create attractive and eye-catching T-shirt designs and edit them to make them suitable for various marketplaces. You will also be confident in dealing with Trademarks and Copyright and you will also be able to upload the designs to the Print on Demand Marketplaces and scaling it to the moon without holding any inventory or doing shipping.

Business, E-Commerce

SKU: linksharecourse4255940

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Cisco for Business Solutions: 3-in-1
Cisco for Business Solutions: 3-in-1

IT & Software, Network & Security

SKU: linksharecourse1861384

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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With the rise of start-ups and self-made business, network engineering for small to large businesses has seen an increase in demand, hence businesses are always on the lookout for engineers who can configure networks that meet their needs and provide support once they're set up. Cisco provides a number of options both in terms of hardware and software to address these networking needs at various levels. If you're a novice in the field of network engineering or are simply looking to set up an efficient and cost-effective voice network for your own business, then go for this Learning Path.In this comprehensive 3-in-1 course, you will start by establishing connectivity with the hardware required for small-to-large enterprise networks. You will then learn how to create and handle GUI connections and virtual connections. You will also learn how to manage your organization's phones and users with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager by setting up your network with the help of different interfaces and set-up dial plans. Finally, you will establish and manage voice services over the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Unity Connection.This training program includes 3 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.In the first course, Cisco Voice Solutions for Small Business - ATA, you will explore the different hardware options over your network, and how they are brought together to create your basic connection. You will then learn how to install and work with modems, routers, and analog telephones. You will also dive into implementing Gateway and Trunk Connections with various hardware options provided by Cisco. Next, you will learn how to set up a fax system for your organization's end points, and extend that with voice connections such as Google Voice. You will dive into different topologies and learn how to implement each of these depending on the requirement. Further, you will learn to configure your network, practically manage your device's IP addresses, and work with different Cisco dial plans. Finally, you will find out how to verify and validate calls made over your network, efficiently managing your network's incoming and outgoing traffic.In the second course, Cisco Voice Solutions for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises SME - CUCME, you will start by exploring the hardware options provided by Cisco to build your SME Voice Network. You will then learn how to setup Cisco command-line interface connections, and work with the hardware feature sets that fulfill your organization's various needs. You will also explore the different softwares you'll need for your network. Next, you will learn how to work with the Cisco Unified Communication Manager Express, Cisco Unity, and Cisco Configuration Professional Express, as well as the different file sets which you encounter on a daily basis. Moving on, you will learn how to design your SME topology, and configure various devices for your network. You will learn to set up your own dial plans, and also set up accounts with the help of the Cisco GUI Admin. Finally, you will learn how to use Cisco Unity Connection to manage voice calls and messages over your organization's network.In the third course, Cisco Voice Solutions for Medium to Large Enterprise MLE - CUCM, you will start by establishing connectivity with the hardware required for medium-to-large enterprise networks. You will learn how to create and handle GUI connections and virtual connections. You will then learn how to manage your large organization's phones and users with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager by setting up your network with the help of different interfaces and set-up dial plans. Finally, you will learn how to establish and manage voice services over the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Unity Connection.By the end of this Learning Path, you'll know how to successfully build, secure, and maintain your own voice network for small-to-large sized enterprises.Meet Your Expert(s):We have the best work of the following esteemed author(s) to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Joseph ‘Joe' Sullivan is a Professor at Joliet Junior College. He is a certified Cisco Netacad instructor and has received numerous awards from Cisco for "Instructor Excellence Expert," which is awarded to the top instructors globally. He brings his experience into the classroom from his experience in the field as well as being an engineer with Motorola. In his role as a System Architect Senior Engineer for Motorola, Joe designed authentication systems for KDDI in Japan, E911 Public Safety Access Point Number portability, and enhanced push-to-talk services. He is also the principal innovator of two applied patents in the Method and apparatus for packet discard selection and the management of paging resources associated with a push-to-talk communications. Joe is currently studying Cloud Infrastructure and continues to work with Collaboration secure video and voice communication systems.Oscar Reyes is a Freelance Computer Network and Telecommunications Professional. He has a BA in Management in IT. He holds certifications in CCNA and CWTS, and certificates of completion for Cisco Networking Security and Cisco Voice/Wireless/Security. While attending the Cisco Netacad at Joliet Junior College, he setup the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Demo. He enjoys technology and spends most of his free time learning new tips and tricks and sharing this information. Currently, he is studying for CCNP.

IT & Software, Network & Security

SKU: linksharecourse1861384

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

SQL for Data Analysis: Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence
SQL for Data Analysis: Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence

Development, Database Design & Development

SKU: linksharecourse2422318

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

View the Latest Discounts on this Product here.

SQL and MySQL are incredibly powerful tools for managing and analyzing relational databases, and a skill that every Analyst and Business Intelligence professional should have in the arsenal.In this course, you'll play the role of a business owner who just acquired Maven Movies, a brick and mortar DVD rental shop. Using only a MySQL database and MySQL Workbench, your mission is to learn everything that you can about your new business; including your inventory, staff, and customer behavior.But don't worry, you're not alone! We'll be right here to guide you from start to finish, sharing crystal clear explanations, MySQL pro tips and best practices, and course quizzes, projects and homework assignments to test your SQL and database analysis skills along the way.COURSE OUTLINE:SQL Intro & MySQL SetupWe'll start with a quick intro to the SQL landscape and it's common "flavors" (MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc), then download and install the tools that we'll need to access and explore our MySQL database (MySQL Community Server + MySQL Workbench)SQL Database Fundamentals (Part 1)Once we have our tools installed, we'll quickly review some database fundamentals and begin to explore the 16 tables contained within our MySQL database, containing information about Maven Movies customers, inventory, and transactions. Analyzing Data from Single Tables with MySQLIn this section we'll start exploring and extracting information from individual tables in our MySQL database, and practice writing SQL queries to select, filter, sort and group our data.[MID-COURSE MYSQL PROJECT]SQL Database Fundamentals (Part 2)The second half of the course is all about anayzing data from multiple tables in MySQL, so we'll begin with a quick review of relational databases and database analysis: primary vs. foreign keys, relationship cardinality, normalization, etc.Analyzing Multiple Tables via MySQL JOINSIn this section, we'll review the most common types of SQL joins (INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, OUTER, etc), and explore some more complex MySQL queries to analyze data that bridges multiple tables in our database.[FINAL MYSQL PROJECT]IMPORTANT NOTE: This course does NOT cover building, altering, or maintaining SQL/MySQL databases. Our goal here is to focus on data exploration and database analysis using MySQL and MySQL Workbench (we'll cover database administration tools in a separate course).______________________________Enroll today and get LIFETIME access to:5+ hours of high-quality videoDownloadable MySQL ebookQuizzes and homework assignmentsMid-course and Final SQL projects30-day money-back guaranteeIf you're looking for a hands-on, practical guide to mastering data analysis with SQL/MySQL, this is the course for you!Happy analyzing!-John (Lead SQL Instructor & MySQL Expert, Maven Analytics)______________________________Looking for the full business intelligence stack? Search for "Maven Analytics" to browse our full course library, including Excel, Power BI, MySQL, and Tableau courses!See why this is one of the TOP RATED SQL/MySQL Courses on Udemy:"Clear presentation of information and with enough repetition of important SQL concepts to help make the information memorable. Loved the frequent practice examples and code debugging exercises!"- Maggi M."I totally loved this course! Everything was very easy to understand, but it moved at a fast enough pace that I never got bored. I learned SO much about MySQL and had fun doing it. In fact, at the end of the day I didn't want to stop learning - I wanted to keep charging on to the next lesson!"- Ann S."John's deep understanding of SQL and database analysis and ability to explain those tools to a newcomer with 0 experience, is really unmatched. I've taken other SQL and MySQL courses and tried reading books, but this course is by far the easiest way to understand SQL. Excited to see more courses from John!"- Steven M.

Development, Database Design & Development

SKU: linksharecourse2422318

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0