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Advice and Guidance on Choosing a Career in Fashion Design
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse1662836
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Get a head start in your fashion career. The perfect short course for students at all levels. This free, short, online course will give you guidance to start your career in fashion design. The essential tool for anyone starting out or planning a career in fashion design. You are considering entering into the field of fashion. We focus primarily on fashion design but the course will help anyone who wants a better understanding of the fashion industry and tools to help prepare themselves. You'll get to create your own career planner to guide you in the early steps in your career. You will create an action plan that will lead help lead you to a fulfilling and successful career. Your course helps you to avoid making costly mistakes in your education and fashion career. We'll teach you how to check what your most suited to in your fashion career.
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse1662836
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Fashion Design Tutorial
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse3453332
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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In this course I will walk you through the basics of a womenswear bodice block and the processes you can take to manipulate and change the block to your design needs. I will also show you the technique I use all the time.Draping. Starting with the basics and progressing to draping your own design on the form.
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse3453332
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

How To Do Fashion Design Research
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse880826
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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This course will help anyone that uses research as part of their creative fashion design process. Carrying out effective research is an essential skill for any designer and this course will help you to master this skill. Make sure your fashion design work is constantly topped up with innovative ideas and inspired work because you have learnt the essential skills for fashion design research. This course will help: Fashion students at all levelsPeople going through the application process for a university or college course in fashion design or a fashion related coursePeople applying for a job in the field of fashion where an understanding of research in the design process is required.Mature students, those on a GAP year and people in a job who want to refresh their design research skills. After completing the course: By successfully completing this course and applying what you have learnt you will have a confident, well organised, efficient and disciplined approach to your fashion design research. Duration - the course will take about 1.5 hours to complete. Structure - you'll be guided by a tutor who has both fashion design and teaching experience and is a gifted designer in her own right, able to pass on her experience to you. Materials - you will receive complimentary key learning point sheets, a research planner template, sheet as well as personal goal plans and action planner for use during and after you have completed the course. Tutor Support - your tutor is on hand to call upon for any support you need and to help you to make the most of the course and the time and money you have invested. Student Discussions - the course includes an opportunity to join in with other students and discussions relating to the creation of your fashion portfolio. Life Time Access - you have lifetime access to the course so there's no need to feel that you have to complete it within a few days. Start and finish when it suits you knowing that if for any reasons you can't complete it in one go you can always finish it later.
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse880826
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Fashion Design: Come creare il tuo brand moda
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse1630904
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Questo corso è pensato per chiunque ha sempre sognato di realizzare un proprio brand nella moda! Grazie a degli esempi e degli strumenti metterò a disposizione tutta l'esperienza che ho raccolto in questi dieci anni al lavoro accanto agli stilisti emergenti.Imparerai come prima ancora di realizzare dei capi, prima ancora di avere una collezione sia fondamentale avere un brand che raccolga tutti i nostri valori! Sarete guidati passo passo attraverso i concetti e potrai confrontarti con me su come procedere passo passo.
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse1630904
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning
![AI x Fashion Design/ AI 프로그램과 함께 패션 디자이너 직업 체험하기 [초급편] AI x Fashion Design/ AI 프로그램과 함께 패션 디자이너 직업 체험하기 [초급편]](
AI x Fashion Design/ AI 프로그램과 함께 패션 디자이너 직업 체험하기 [초급편]
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse5453928
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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AI가 패션 디자인도 하고, 패션쇼도 한다고요? 하루가 멀다 하고 AI 프로그램들이 패션 산업에도 큰 변화를 가져오고 있습니다. AI 시대에 어떤 이는 패션 디자이너가 유망 직업이라고 하고, 어떤 이는 사라질 직업이라고 합니다. 도대체 누구 말을 들어야 할까요? "AI 시대를 앞서가는 패션 디자이너는 AI를 활용할 줄 아는 디자이너일 것입니다."AI가 패션 디자이너의 직무에 많은 변화를 불러올 것은 분명합니다. AI를 활용하는 방법을 미리 익히고 패션 디자인을 하는 과정에 효율적으로 활용하는 방법을 배워 AI 시대를 미리 준비하세요. 생성형 AI를 지나가는 뉴스 기사로 흘려버리지 말고, 나의 커리어와 꿈을 위해 적극 공부하세요! "Pinterest, Chatgpt & Bard를 활용하여 아이디어 수집부터 아이디어 보드까지 업로드!"[ 이런 내용의 수업이 진행됩니다. ]4차 산업혁명 AI 시대, 패션 디자이너 직업의 미래?패션 디자이너 직업 이해 (fashion designer's job)생성형 AI로 디자인 아이디어 모으기 (Chatgpt & Bard for Collecting ideas)핀터레스트로 디자인 아이디어 보드 만들기 (Pinterest for Idea board)[ 이런 점이 변화됩니다! ]AI에 대한 기초 지식을 쌓아 다가오는 미래 사회를 대비할 수 있어요!패션 디자이너 직업에 대해 간편한 AI 툴로 효율적으로 탐색해보면서 적성 탐색을 해볼 수 있어요!AI를 패션 디자인 분야에 효율적으로 접목하는 노하우를 배울 수 있어요!나만의 아이디어 보드를 만드는 과정을 실습하여, 패션 공모전이나 포트폴로오 대비에 활용할 수 있어요!나만의 아이디어 보드를 만드는 노하우를 배워, 앞으로 스스로 포트폴리오를 구축해나갈 수 있어요![ 이 강의는 특히, 패션 디자이너 지망생들을 위해 초급자의 눈높이에 맞추어 진행됩니다. ]AI 알고리즘을 이용하는 이미지 플랫폼인 핀터레스트부터, 생성형 AI 프로그램인 Chatgpt, Bard 의 기초적인 툴만 활용하여 패션 디자인 프로세스에 접목해보는 실습형 기초강의 입니다. 기초부터 차근히 따라오면 어렵지 않아요![ 이 강의는 이런 분들에게는 적합하지 않습니다! ]CHATGPT, BARD, PINTEREST의 기초부터 다루는 강의이기 때문에 이 세 가지를 한 번이라도 써 보신 분들에게는 추천하지 않습니다!예고 [심화편]에서는 이런 수업이 진행됩니다.캔바로 나만의 포트폴리오 만들기 (Canva for Portpolio)생성형 AI 로 패션 특화 서비스 개발하여 수익화하기 (Patterned AI & Leonardo AI & Midjourney for Design)
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse5453928
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Draping for Fashion Design - Creative Techniques Made Simple
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse2400686
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Using Draping techniques to create new Fashion Design ideas. In this Course, Draping is used to develop basic Bodice, Basic Skirt, Basic Dress, a Circle Skirt, etc. You will learn how to manipulate muslin, create Darts, how to mark muslin, which will then be used to draft a pattern. Even though this is primarily a Basic Course, I will also shows you some more advanced techniques such as draping a Circle Skirt which is a more challenging technique. I will demo how to drape a basic dress. The transferring of muslin to dotted paper is also demoed. Draping is an awesome way to be creative and get amazing new innovative ideas while doing it. Even though you will learn the basics of draping, experimenting with fabric (or muslin) can and will inspire you to come up with new and very original designs. Included in the curriculum is:Working with a Dress FormWorking with muslinCreating a DartCreating Gathers/ShirringDraping a One-Dart BodiceDraping a Two-Dart BodiceDraping a Basic SkirtDraping a Circle SkirtDraping a Basic DressTools needed for drapingYou will learn how to use the Dress Form, learn the terminology of the different parts of the Dress Form. Learning the different "words" associated with it, like: Princess Seam, Side Seam, Center Front, Waistline, Apex, etc.The draping process is a very creative technique which inspires and empowers you to be more creative, innovative and have fun in the process. Learning how to Drape is an intuitive and spontaneous way to create new designs and come up with new ideas.You will learn how to drape a Dart. What is a Dart? How do you take a 2-dimensional thing like fabric and turn it into a 3-dimensional item such as a Top or a Dress. Draping is the ability to "shape" a garment using fabric. Learning some basic techniques will most definitely enhance your creativity, sewing skills, and garment construction.Learning how to create a 1-dart and a 2-dart bodice is essential in the creative process of fashion design. Learning how to define a dart, in reference to the Apex. What directions do darts go. Learning How to Drape a Skirt is a "must" for a Fashion Designer. Basic skirts are the essential staples of a wardrobe, so studying the various shape, darts, sea, allowance, etc. is important.Learning how to be a great Fashion Designer includes the learning of the Draping process and techniques. The use of fabric as a way to "mold" it to a dress form is inspiring and creative when it comes to "inventing" new designs for that famous "Red Carpet Event" known as "The Oscars" - those designs worn by those Celebrities were once Draped on a Dress Form.Those beautiful evening gowns seen on the "Red Carpet" most likely were draped first, then through the process of fitting them on the actual body of the person wearing it, refined and perfected to fit correctly. This Course starts with the basics: draping the basic bodice: One-Dart and Two-Dart Bodice, but then it moves into using more complex techniques such as draping the "Circle Skirt" which requires a little more practice to perfect. Through Draping a Circle Skirt, you will learn a certain technique that can be applied to other ideas, other designs, or other parts of a design whether be a sleeve or a collar, etc.This Course aims not only to teach, but also to inspire students to use Draping techniques to be creative, innovative, and become a great Fashion Designer.I am of the strong belief that draping should be used as a way to create, "invent", new designs, to let the imagination run free and crew new concepts which have never been done before.I encourage you to watch some of the old videos on how the Master used draping to create new designs (Yves Saint Laurent, Dior, etc.).This course is about learning how to be a great fashion designer; whether you are a beginner student or a professional fashion designer, learning skills and techniques in designing is an ongoing process: there's always something new to learn, even if you know basic fashion design techniques, building on top of that is essential i order to expand your knowledge of the industry at large.Nowadays learning fashion designing online is such an amazing opportunity: you can study fashion in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, having full lifetime access to these classes - Wow! Save on the cost of hight tuition, instead learn by watching these high quality videos, which you can rewind and watch over and over again, on your own schedule, at affordable cost.Learning fashion sketching (or drawing), and fashion draping and pattern making (Pattern Drafting) or you want to explore The Business of Fashion, and learn the business side of fashion, or learning how to put a Fashion Collection together and learning the use of Fabrics and the Textile Industry, these Courses are an amazing opportunity to expand your knowledge, elevate you fashion skills, and add to your existing body of work.Whether making clothes is a hobby of yours or a financial income generator, these courses empower you to build your confidence and make you a better designer. Regardless whether you are putting together your first fashion design portfolio, or build your fashion website, or learn how to market your fashion line and start your online store, these courses give you the ability to accomplish all of that especially because you will be saving on expensive tuition costs.Enjoy the Course.
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse2400686
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Learn Fashion Design on Adobe Illustrator: Beginner's Course
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse4052934
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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This course takes you through from sketches to illustrator and then fashion tech packs.You will learn how to draw croquis by hand, draw your garment over the croquis also learn how to render and colour using colour pencils.Most importantly you will learn various techniques in Adobe Illustrator that would help transfer your sketches to Adobe illustrator quickly and easily. Techniques like stacking and layering, tracing with the pen tool, create buttons, stitches and zips, and also save them as templates and libraries.Lastly, you would learn how to put together your designs in a tech pack that contains instructions for the manufacturer to follow.By joining this course you have access to free tech pack sample you can use, a free brush and symbols Library with buttons, belt hooks, and zippers, free consultation with your instructor to answer your questions and help you along the way, and a certificate of completion.When you are done with this course, you would be able to communicate your own designs easily, start your fashion brand or clothing line, teach other people or even render this as a service for a fee.This course is heavily loaded with value with over 6 hours worth of lectures that you can view anytime.Would love to see you in class.
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse4052934
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Sketching for Fashion Design ~ Beginner Course for Designers
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse2284600
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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This Fashion Sketching Course (7-videos-modules) is for beginners: young and old, with an interest and passion for designing fashion. In this Course you will learn how the body moves, body movement, and balancing the body using the Plumb Line. You will learn the industry standard "9-Heads Croquis". We start with a simple exercise using a pencil and learn how to achieve different "shading" effects depending on how you are holding the pencil. Using the pencil correctly is the foundation of good sketching, whether it's fashion design or not. You will also look at inspiration as a way to influence sketching: fashion inspiration, using a "fashion diary/journal" - creating a "pool" from which to draw ideas from will definitely affect your ability to draw new fashion designs. You will learn garment closure: difference between womenswear and menswear button closure.In this Course students will learn:How to draw a "9-Head Croquis"How to use a Croquis as a template to start sketching fashion ideas.Body movement and creating an "S-shaped" silhouette.Balancing the body and use of the Plumb Line.Pencil techniques to create "shirring/gathers", and shading, and coloring.Creating a "fashion diary-journal" to use as source of inspiration to influence ideas for designing.Differentiate garment closure between men's wear and women's wearCreate your own style.And some inspiring words of wisdom...Sketching ideas swirling in your imagination onto paper is the first step in developing a fashion portfolio and a fashion collection/line. Being able to share ideas that can eventually be translated into an actual garment is so important.You will learn that the body moves in a certain way and stays balanced at all times. That's when learning how to use the Plumb Line correctly will enable you to create your sketches so they look professional and exciting. Learning how the torso and the hips work together in-sync with each other will enable you to sketch dramatic and impressive figures and illustrations.As a fashion designer the pencil will become your best friend: learning techniques on how to hold the pencil and apply pressure unto paper in order to achieve different "thickness", applying different weight of the pencil unto paper.Whether you are a beginner designer or a professional, sketching plays an important role when delegation responsibilities to your assistant or team. They have to understand what you are trying to achieve in your design and sketching it correctly is necessary.Your seamstress and/or pattern-maker have to be able to look at your sketches and understand what you're communicating. The sketch will eventually become the garment thus needs to be accurate and clear. You will learn how the industry uses a Template known as the Croquis as a way to sketch ideas. A Croquis is "taller/longer" than the normal body thus elongating the body/figure and appearing taller than the average human body.You will learn how to create a "fashion journal" which will help you develop your own unique style as a fashion designer. Knowing what you like (and don't like) empowers your designing abilities and will support you in developing your unique "voice".Developing your own unique fashion design style is very important: what makes you different than the next designer. Establishing your own style is key in creating a successful brand. Fashion brands come and go therefore you must build a strong foundation with a strong particular and different style that you can call your own. Practicing your fashion sketching consistently will enable you to achieve that goal.Learning how to sketch fashion designs, and the practice of it, will give you confidence and certainty; it will boost your morale, and the ability to communicate your ideas. Having the power to tell your story through your ability to sketch, will solidify your brand identity.Sketching enables you and empowers you to express on paper your ideas and possibilities that come across your imagination.Enjoy the course!
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse2284600
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Fashion Design - Clothing Design & Styling with Darts
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse2702732
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Boost your patternmaking skills by being creative with your basic darts. Be unique and earn a higher income.Do you:- face challenges with translating your sketches into dress patterns?- imagine beautiful outfits but face difficulties in creating them?- struggle with constantly creating new designs and reinventing yourself?- wish you could maintain originality with your designs? or- struggle with convincing your clients to pay more for your services?then you run the risk of losing your creativity, uniqueness and potential as a top Designer.As a Fashion Designer, your basic darts can only take you so far. Your ability to create unique outfits and set fashion trends is limited without exceptional skills in design details using your darts.. Accomplish your fashion dream. Create exceptional designs that make you stand out!Your creative skills and business can generate so much more income! If you wish to:Become a renowned fashion designer;Run a successful fashion school as a fashion trainer;Consistently attract new clients and students;Offer more value and charge higher fees;Develop fresh ideas, designs and concepts; and Reinvent your teaching techniques as a fashion trainer; then you must be able to apply standardised pattern making techniques that are applicable anywhere in the world.At the end of the course, you will be able to:Understand and apply standardised pattern making techniques;Understand basic clothing design principles and translate them into workable patterns;Overcome designer's block and channel creativity into developing your best design yet; andBoost your skills in pattern making for fashion design while generating higher income for your fashion businessToo busy for pattern making courses? Martwayne has got you covered!Unlike any other pattern making course online, this course was designed for you to learn pattern making how you want it, at your convenience, in any location with specialised instructor support to suit your learning needs and meet your learning objectives.For some, the key challenge to taking fashion and design courses is lack of time, unavailability of funds and fast-paced teaching approach. As such, the course has been designed by a key professional in the fashion industry with over 10 years of experience as a fashion student, designer, tutor and business owner. Drawing from these experiences, this course is delivered using a step-by-step approach where lessons are broken down to the barest minimum; at a highly discounted and affordable rate.At the end of the course, you will:Gain knowledge of key pattern making techniques and be able to apply them;Be able to create beautiful designs using your darts;Understand how to visualise parts of an outfit and translate your sketches into patterns;Be able to creatively come up with beautiful outfits and consistently develop unique designs;Be able to offer your clients and fashion students more value, improve your services, charge higher and generate the income you deserve.Note from the Instructor:We know first-hand what it feels like to learn new concepts in order to improve skills and charge higher prices. We also understand how challenging some students find online learning. That was exactly why we approached this Course from a different perspective. Our Online Courses were created to get our courses to students who do not live in our location but also want to benefit from our knowledge. Why are we so confident you will get the best from our Online Course? Simple! We teach our concepts from scratch because we also learnt the concepts from scratch in a very jovial atmosphere. Learning new concepts can be daunting but we had to make it fun for you! I learnt everything from scratch myself. We are GREAT at what we do! It's time for you to take that plunge too and start to earn some serious income from your fashion business!Here's to Your Success...Tope Williams-AdewunmiFounder, Martwayne Fashion School
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse2702732
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Charcoal Fabric Drawing and Toning Course in Fashion Design
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse4271676
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Hello there..Fabrics appear with different purposes in every period of history. Sometimes in a designer dress,and sometimes as an object that completes the flow of paper in composition drawings. In this training, I explained fabric drawing from zero to advanced. From the prismatic substructure of fabrics I transferred everything from starting to advanced drawings. When you look at the fabrics, in what form should they go? What should be the direction of the wrinkles and the places where they should pile up? Overlapping.While finding answers to questions such as what are our priorities when determining the form of fabrics, you will also master the toning issues. You will also be able to have an idea about how to draw the clothes that stand naturally on the figure and make evaluations. You will also comprehend the subject of intonation according to the structure. You will be able to reflect the structure together with the shadow of light academically in compositions and still life drawings. Fabrics surrounding the cylindrical form you will understand how it should be and its features in the places where there is agglomeration. After describing the structure of the top and collapsed points linearly, you will see how we can express it with tone. In this way, you will be able to express the three-dimensional image, namely the concept of (volume). At the end of the course, you will be able to make academic drawings while mastering the concepts of fabric and wrinkles from every angle. In character and typography drawings, you will be able to describe the depressions and protrusions according to the direction of movement and flow, both with tone and linearly. Where you see the insides of the fabricsYou will be able to clearly feel its depth. Regarding toning, how do the fabrics shade each other according to the direction of the light? We will also see how they differ from each other. We will be able to analyze the different reactions given by the line value according to the light source. In addition, we will be able to create professional works by considering the tone and line value as a whole.
Design, Fashion Design
SKU: linksharecourse4271676
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning