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Técnico em Hardware Jr
IT & Software, Hardware
SKU: linksharecourse3447962
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Em termos de mercado de trabalho, um dos profissionais mais requisitados é o técnico em hardware, pois todo equipamento necessita de manutenção tanto preventiva, quanto de reparação.Este curso foi desenvolvido para que você conheça os componentes essenciais para o funcionamento de um computador, como peças e programas necessários para que o usuário consiga trabalhar com a máquina.Sendo assim, eu Allan Almeida de Araújo da Basic Code deu início a um projeto que possibilita todo o conforto necessário para que você consiga absorver ao máximo o conteúdo apresentado. A partir de agora, você poderá realizar o curso no horário eu que for conveniente. A flexibilidade de horário permite que você adeque o curso ao seu dia a dia, sem afetar sua rotina.
IT & Software, Hardware
SKU: linksharecourse3447962
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

The Complete Electronics Course 2022: Analog Hardware Design
Teaching & Academics, Engineering
SKU: linksharecourse2548629
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Have you ever wondered why understanding electronics is difficult? Is it because electronics is really that difficult? Or is it because teachers' explanations are difficult to understand and they use outdated teaching methods? Whatever is the case, Hardware Academy is here to provide high-quality courses that will cover 2 years of educational courses that you could get by attending a BSc in Electrical Engineering. We will start from the fundamentals and as we progress, we will try to understand more and more complicated circuits (which you will find out later that there are not even that complicated!). Each chapter will have multiple exercises (questions with multiple answers) that you will have to complete (like a test) so that we know if you have paid attention or not and if you succeed, you can proceed further with the courses. The simulator that we will use is available for free for everyone and based on multiple reviews, the simulator that we are going to use is the best tool if you want to understand how circuits work! (and it's so much fun to use it! ) We can guarantee that you will understand each course since we tried hard to explain in the most coherent way (also in the simplest way but at the same time reaching more complex topics) using one of the best software to simulate the circuits which will be an eye-opener for you. Start learning Electronics with us today!
Teaching & Academics, Engineering
SKU: linksharecourse2548629
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Techno Production Masterclass with Ableton Live & Hardware
Music, Music Production
SKU: linksharecourse4155894
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Learn how to create, compose and record Techno live with Ableton Live and hardware synths. Creativity and workflow is at the core of being a successful electronic music artist. Learning how to master the creative process and work fluidly with Ableton and Hardware will increase your creative output and help you find your voice as an artist. In this masterclass, Berlin based music producer and sound engineer Hybrasil (Rekids / Awesome Soundwave) demonstrates his approach to live electronic music composition. Learn how to write a track from scratch with Ableton Live 11 & a selection of hardware synths such as the Roland SH-101 and Roland Jupiter 6.WHO IT'S FORThis course is suitable for all levels and ideal for anyone looking to learn about advanced music production and songwriting techniques. It's also a valuable insight into the workflow and creativity of an experienced sound engineer and music producer.COURSE BENEFITSLearn how to write music with Ableton 11 Recording & Working with Hardware SynthsImprove your CreativityFaster WorkflowLearn How to Write Music in AbletonLearn how to break out of loop mode and into full arrangements.Composing music in a live wayThis masterclass is a module from our Artist Development Program. A 6 month masters program in advanced electronic music production techniques. This course will give you an idea of what we are about and how we teach.
Music, Music Production
SKU: linksharecourse4155894
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Arduino Programming and Hardware Basics with Wio Terminal
IT & Software, Other IT & Software
SKU: linksharecourse3462686
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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In this course, I will explain how to use the Wio Terminal along with the software and present you with fun demos as well! So I hope this helps you to gain more knowledge on how to program with the Wio Terminal!In this course, you will learn the following:Getting started with Arduino using Wio TerminalDraw text strings, shapes, line charts, and histograms on the Wio Terminal LCDDisplay images on Wio Terminal LCDUse Grove modules with Wio Terminal Different communication protocols Build-in hardware/ sensors on the Wio Terminal Building a TV remote using the IR Emitter on Wio Terminal Smart Garden Project using Wio Terminal Use Wio Terminal as a mouse and a keyboard with your computer Hardware Needed:Wio Terminal with USB Type-C CablePC with internet connectionSoftware Needed:Arduino IDEPrerequisites:No previous knowledge is needed to get started with this course. It is beginner-friendlyWio Terminal Background:Compatible with Arduino and MicroPython, Wio Terminal is an ATSAMD51-based microcontroller with both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity powered by Realtek RTL8720DN. Currently, wireless connectivity is only supported by Arduino. More than just a single embedded functional module, Wio Terminal itself is integrated with a 2.4" LCD Screen, onboard IMU(LIS3DHTR), microphone, buzzer, microSD card slot, light sensor, infrared emitter(IR 940nm). All of these practical add-ons are carefully housed in a compact enclosure, making it an efficient and product-ready product. Equipped with Raspberry Pi 40-pin GPIO, it can be mounted to a Raspberry Pi as a slave device.
IT & Software, Other IT & Software
SKU: linksharecourse3462686
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

How to prepare for an interview of Embedded Hardware Design
IT & Software, Hardware
SKU: linksharecourse4183678
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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If you want to prepare yourself for job interview for the position of Embedded Hardware design Engineer, but tired of reading overwhelming information online and wondering about, what to read, how to learn and prepare for an interview, then this course is for you.This book is an informative collection of topics offering a "one-stop-shopping" to solve the most common Hardware design challenges.In this course we will discuss about the following:1. Interview preparation techniques.2. Understanding practical skills needed.3. Embedded Hardware Design Topics, based on hundreds of Interviews appeared by me and my colleagues with the companies such as:Robert Bosch, Honeywell, Valeo, Hcl, Continental, Godrej, TechMahindra, GE Healthcare, Wipro, Cyient, L & T, Philips, Medtronics and many more.4. Resume or CV preparation.I have tried to avoid too much information and thus provided the information which would be enough for an Interview. However, I wish that the contents present in this course will motivate and encourages you to read and explore more in detail about these topics.By the end of reading this book, you will gain the confidence to attend the Hardware Design Job interview and will enjoy the interview process.Someone has rightly said" Even a lifetime is not sufficient to judge a person". Then how does an Interviewer judge a candidate, if he/she is the right for the job?Answer to this question is, the Interviewer tries to know about the past job experiences and how well the candidate is prepared for this interview.Interviewer thinks that, if you are not be prepared for the job interview, which is so important, then you cannot be prepared to do an actual job.If you are reading this, it proves that you have made this decision to learn and be prepared for an interview, but before we do that lets understand the interview process and how it's done.HOW IT'S DONECompanies categorize interview candidates into two kinds of Job aspirants.Fresher CandidateExperienced CandidateA person who has completed BE/B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering recently and do not have a prior working experience as Embedded hardware Engineer in a company is called Fresher candidate. If the person has a prior working experience as Embedded hardware Engineer in a company, is called Experience Candidate.Based on the above candidature type the interview process and its difficulty level is defined by the companies.To apply for the Job and for the companies to find your Resume, you have to create a job profile in some of the popular Job portals or search engines such as the Naukri, MonsterJobs, Engineering Jobs on LinkedIn, Engineering Central, CareerBuilder.
IT & Software, Hardware
SKU: linksharecourse4183678
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Hardware in Loop using LabVIEW 2023
Personal Development, Career Development
SKU: linksharecourse3943438
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) is a system-design platform and development environment for a visual (graphical) programming language from National Instruments. LabVIEW solves engineering challenges across a broad range of application areas. Hence it is an indispensable skill to have.LabVIEW is a Systems Engineering Software for applications that require test, measurement, and control. Participants will get exposure to LabVIEW-based application development using standard PC-based software and interfacing field instruments through Data Acquisition Hardware. Many startups use LabVIEW for rapid prototyping, building breadboard, and proof of concept systems prior to building the final shipping products. LabVIEW is especially valuable for companies who want to ship complex systems that need all of the embedded software, FPGA software, and client applications for the same product as LabVIEW allows developing the whole stack in a single high-level language cutting the total development cost and time significantly. In addition, many companies use it for testbeds, R & D tools, and manufacturing and service tools for hardware products that were developed using some other embedded programming languages.Here students can learn some basics of LabVIEW software. How to acquire an analog signal using NI USB 6001 DAQ card. How to generate an analog signal using NI USB 6001 DAQ card. How to acquire a digital signal using NI USB 6001 DAQ card. How to generate a digital signal using NI USB 6001 DAQ card. How to acquire an analog signal using NI MY DAQ card. How to generate an analog signal using NI MY DAQ card. How to acquire a digital signal using NI MY DAQ card. How to generate a digital signal using NI MY DAQ card. How to acquire an analog signal using NI MY RIO. How to generate an analog signal using NI MY RIO. How to acquire a digital signal using NI MY RIO. How to generate a digital signal using NI MY RIO. Learn about NI ELVIS II+IoT using LabVIEW
Personal Development, Career Development
SKU: linksharecourse3943438
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Curso de Hardware Completo
IT & Software, IT Certifications
SKU: linksharecourse3254202
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Este curso de Hardware completo, tem como objetivo capacitá-lo para o mercado de trabalho usando os recursos em questão, pois, aprenderemos os conceitos de hardware e seus periféricos com suas principais funções, onde aprenderemos a usar de forma completa suas principais funções e responsabilidades de cada dispositivo hardware de informática, estudaremos os principais hardwares que formam o computador, estudando seus periféricos de entrada e saída bem detalhadamente, aprenderemos também como montar um computador com seus principais hardware, e como formatar e instalar o sistema operacional Windows10.Você aprenderá tudo sobre os periféricos híbridos.Com este curso você terá uma base sólida em conhecimentos de hardware e seus periféricos de computadores e poderá futuramente se tornar um profissional na área de TI.Você aprenderá muitos conhecimentos que obtive na minha carreira de TI.Pode ser muito útil para quem vai prestar algum tipo de concurso e precisa de um bom conhecimento sobre hardware e seus periféricos.O aluno aprenderá como montar um computador e como formatar e instalar o sistema operacional Windows 10. O acesso é vitalício à todas as aulas e atualizações do Curso.Aproveite agora mesmo o nosso Curso de Hardware Completo.Inscreva-se hoje e vamos começar essa jornada juntos!
IT & Software, IT Certifications
SKU: linksharecourse3254202
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Learn Computer Basics Hardware Network Complete Tutorials
IT & Software, Other IT & Software
SKU: linksharecourse5101326
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Learn Computer Basics Hardware Network Complete TutorialsLearn Computer Basics Hardware Network Complete Tutorials Learn Complete Computer Basics in This Course Computer Basics Hardware Network Complete Tutorials Do you have a question about computer basics, hardware, or networking? In this blog post, we've assembled a collection of tutorials that will answer all of your questions. From how to set up a home network to how to troubleshoot common computer problems, we've got you covered. So whether you're looking for advice on getting started with computers or just need some clarification on a specific topic, we've got you covered. Check out our blog post and let us help you get up to speed on the latest computer trends and technologies. Computer Basics Hardware Network Complete Tutorials Complete CourseI will teaches you the basics of computer hardware and how to set up a basic network. We will cover topics such as installing a computer, configuring networking, and connecting to the internet. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a basic understanding of how computers work and be ready to start working on your own projects. So if you're looking to get started with computers or want to learn more about networking basics, this is the blog post for you!Learn Computer Basics Hardware Network Complete TutorialsLearn Computer Basics Hardware Network Complete Tutorials Learn Complete Computer Basics in This Course Computer Basics Hardware Network Complete Tutorials Do you want to know everything there is to know about computer basics hardware networking? In this blog post, we will provide you with a range of tutorials that will teach you the basics of computer hardware and network configuration. From learning how to install and configure a computer network, to setting up a wireless network, we have everything you need to get started. So whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, we have the tutorials you need to start networking like a pro.Learn Computer Basics Hardware Network Complete TutorialsAre you looking for a convenient way to learn about computer basics hardware network? Look no further! In this series of tutorials, we will walk you through everything you need to know in order to get started with your computer. From setting up your computer, to networking, to installing programs, we will cover it all. So whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, our tutorials are perfect for you.Learn Computer Basics Hardware Network Complete Tutorialshow Learn Computer Basics Hardware Network Complete Tutorials Learn Complete Computer Basics in This Course,I we will be providing tutorials on the basics of computer hardware and networking. We will be covering topics such as basic computer terminology, setting up a computer, installing operating systems, configuring a network, and more. By the end of this blog post, you will have a basic understanding of the basics of computer hardware and networking, which will be essential for any computer user. so if you're looking to learn more about computers and how to use them,Learn Computer Basics Hardware Network Complete TutorialsComputer Basics Hardware Network Complete Tutorials Learn Complete Computer Basics in This Course Looking to get up to speed on your computer basics? In this series of tutorials, we'll walk you through each of the essential hardware and software components of a computer, from the basic parts of a computer case to the more advanced features of a PC. We'll cover everything from installing and configuring your operating system to setting up a network and using software such as Skype and Office 365. By the time you're finished, you'll have a solid understanding of the basics of using a computer, and be ready to start making the most of your digital life.
IT & Software, Other IT & Software
SKU: linksharecourse5101326
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Monitoreo de Software y Hardware con Software Libre
IT & Software, Network & Security
SKU: linksharecourse1472856
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Este curso está pensado para obtener, con un conjunto de soluciones 100% libres (y gratuitas), información útil para la toma de decisiones y una plataforma escalable y sólida que permita conocer, casi al instante, cualquier inconveniente en equipos y servicios.A lo largo del curso desarrollamos algunas herramientas (Dude, Nagios, Zabbix, etc.) y se trabaja mostrando activamente configuraciones -de baja y media complejidad-, que permiten, fácilmente, configurar un dashboard con información suficiente para cualquier tipo de intervención.En lo personal utilizo cada una de estas herramientas, algunas mas y otras menos, dependiendo de lo que deba ser monitoreado y la criticidad del equipo/servicio que se está monitoreando.Desde lo profesional uso y recomiendo comenzar con herramientas 100% gratuitas y luego, bajo demanda, ir adquiriendo licenciamiento que permita mayores funcionalidades y simplifique las tareas de configuración y mantenimiento.
IT & Software, Network & Security
SKU: linksharecourse1472856
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

5G RAN Hardware and Implementation
IT & Software, Network & Security
SKU: linksharecourse2722038
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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This 5G RAN Hardware and Implementation course is design and delivered by Industry expert with 10+ years of experience.Nine companies sell 5G radio hardware and 5G systems for carriers: Altiostar, Cisco Systems, Datang Telecom, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, Qualcomm, Samsung, and ZTE. This course covers the hardware structure and hardware configurations for some of these vendors to give students a better understanding.With 5G Hardware Certification, you have the capability to perform efficiently and get promoted with raise in salary. This certification validates your expertise and skills.
IT & Software, Network & Security
SKU: linksharecourse2722038
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning