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Google Bard AI + Microsoft AI for Marketing, Social, and SEO
Google Bard AI + Microsoft AI for Marketing, Social, and SEO

Marketing, Digital Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse5291806

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Google and Microsoft's answer to ChatGPT is: Google Bard AI and Microsoft AI. Learn how to stay ahead of the curve with these new tools for content generation, social media, search engine optimization and doing search in a better way. Explained in an easy way and showing you exactly how to do it, you will learn how to: Create content with Google Bard AIFind and utilize relevant Keywords in Google Bard AI in your blog or articleChat with Google's AI machine to get higher rankings in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP)Learn the common pitfalls when using AI and how to avoid them Use Microsoft AI via Bing in a smart and efficient wayUse Prompt Engineering in a different way to ChatGPTCreate content with Microsoft AIUse AI in a way that sounds authentic and not robotic or generated.I will also teach you a few tips on how to retain the content you created and what you can best use it for on which channels, and show you how you can get an account to Google Bard even when it is not yet rolled out in your country. At the end of the course you will be a pro in Microsoft AI and Google Bard AI for content marketing, social media and more.

Marketing, Digital Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse5291806

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Marketing estratégico para empresas
Marketing estratégico para empresas

Marketing, Other Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse2387910

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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UD1. Personal Branding DAFO personal Propuesta de valor Blog Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn Networking Programación de contenidos UD2. Fundamentos de marketing Conceptos de marketing Segmentación El producto Posicionamiento de producto Publicidad y promoción UD3. Marketing estratégico Conceptos de marketing estratégico Estrategia de producto Plan de marketing estratégicoSegmentación Evaluación y control UD4. Habilidades directivas Gestor vs líder Equipos vs grupos Estilos de liderazgo El ciclo del cambio Factores propulsores del cambio El líder en el proceso de cambio Comunicación efectiva en la resolución de conflictos Cómo desarrollar la empatía a través de la escucha Hacernos escuchar con asertividad Tips para ser asertivos Respuestas asertivas Cómo desarrollar reuniones eficaces Ladrones de tiempo Gestión del tiempo y el estrés El estrés no es malo UD5. Análisis de mercados El mercado Introducción a la investigación de mercados Segmentación de mercados Medición, escala y técnicas de muestreo Tipos de investigación

Marketing, Other Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse2387910

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Certification Marketing autour de Facebook (9 Heures)
Certification Marketing autour de Facebook (9 Heures)

Marketing, Social Media Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse3755656

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Cette formation de 9 heures sur Facebook Ads vous permettra de découvrir les fonctionnalités avancées de la plateforme de publicité de Facebook. Vous apprendrez à créer des campagnes publicitaires efficaces, à cibler efficacement votre audience, à optimiser vos performances et à analyser vos résultats. Vous découvrirez également les dernières tendances et stratégies en matière de publicité sur Facebook. Avec des exercices pratiques et des cas d'étude concrets, vous serez en mesure de mettre en pratique immédiatement les connaissances acquises pour améliorer les résultats de votre entreprise. Cette formation est un excellent moyen de prendre votre entreprise au niveau supérieur en utilisant les outils les plus performants de Facebook.D'abord pour ce faire, vous apprendrez minutieusement à:Pourquoi vous devez définitivement jeter votre site web et vous lancer la création de tunnel de conversion (vous allez économiser plusieurs milliers d'euros c'est sûr...Ce que personne ne vous a jamais dit sur le marketing, qu'est-ce qui fait vendre et les 6 étapes de la motivation d'achat...Qu'est-ce qu'une vente en réalité? Pourquoi les gens achètent? Comment amplifier le besoin ou la douleur pour créer le désir d'acheter?Comment tripler ses ventes avec 3 pages simples à faire en 2h (même si vous ne savez pas coder ou êtes débutant en marketing...)Quel type de tunnel utiliser en fonction de votre business ? Leadmagnet, tripwire, vidéo série, webinar ou lancement orchestré ?Les secrets pour maitriser votre marché mieux que personne. Comment distinguer les contenus que vous pouvez offrir en gratuit sans cannibaliser le premium ?Comment vendre vos produits ou vos prestations de service sans avoir besoin de prospecter ?Notez bien:La formation se déroulera sous forme de cours théorique & pratique, d'exemples concrets et d'ateliers pour permettre aux participants de mettre en pratique les concepts appris. Des exercices, des mises en situation et des études de cas seront utilisés pour renforcer les connaissances.Ressources d'apprentissage complémentaires:Atelier en ligneDocumentationConsultez des exemples de tableaux de bord, de rapports et de fichiers de bureau.Enfin, je m'engage à vous fournir la formation la plus complète possible sur Udemy pour vous permettre de réussir dans votre apprentissage.Je m'engage à répondre rapidement à vos questions pour vous aider à comprendre les concepts de la formation.Je vais ajouter des cas pratiques sur demande pour vous donner des exemples concrets de ce que vous apprenez.Je vais vous accompagner avec des cas pratiques et d'autres ressources utiles pour vous aider à mettre en pratique ce que vous apprenez. Ces ajouts de vidéos seront, bien entendu, gratuits si vous avez acquis la formation.Comment me contacter ? Je reste disponible dans la rubrique Question/Réponses d'Udemy pour répondre à vos questions.À la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et réussissez l'ensemble des quizz: Obtenez votre certification électronique à insérer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn.Il ne me reste que plus qu'à vous souhaiter une bonne formation!Dr. Firas

Marketing, Social Media Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse3755656

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Affiliate Marketing with Google Editor
Affiliate Marketing with Google Editor

Marketing, Digital Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse1693126

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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If you are starting in Digital Marketing and want to promote your affiliate links or own eCommerce services / products then this course is for you!We all want to get targeted traffic what will not cost you anything or not cost so much. In this course I will share my strategy what will gives you an idea:How to get targeted traffic what will cost you 0.01 USD per click.Setup your first ad campaign in Google adWords (Now Google Ads).Learn how to upload your campaigns in bulk by using Google Editor.Get idea how to promote affiliate links massively.Understand how to make mass modifications to your Google AdWords Campaigns(Now Google Ads).As you can see from my courses it's not hard to rank your website in Google Search. It takes only time to get good position in Goolgle search. All we know time is money and what if I say: "there is one way how you can still be on a first page of Google Search Results without waiting to much time"? There is still one way how we can do this: Google AdWords and their tool: Google Editor.This Course is my personal strategy what I want to share with community. I'm sure by doing this I can help to grow community of students who are interested in affiliate marketing / digital marketing. After completing this course - this marketing strategy can be used right away! What you need is small balance for AdWords: I recommend to start from $10-$20 and price per click not more then $0.05 after generating your first sale you can start playing with this numbers and see what works best for your product.Take a note: You should select different affiliate programs or services because if all people will start promoting same services.In results competition will grows dramatically and price per click for your offer will be much more then 0.01-0.05 USD. So my recommendation is to get started with many affiliate programs. Select 5-10 programs and follow my Marketing Strategy.Ask questions in course and new video series of updates will be published!

Marketing, Digital Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse1693126

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Comprehensive Healthcare Marketing Course
Comprehensive Healthcare Marketing Course

Marketing, Other Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse4982552

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Welcome to the Health Marketing online course developed by Scientissimum! We are happy to have you with us. This course will provide you with basic and advanced knowledge of modern healthcare marketing techniques. In this course, you'll learn the anatomy of successful website structure, search engine optimization, branding, active and passive ways to acquire new patients, how to manage your reputation, improve patients' foot traffic, and enhance communication between your departments and your target market. The total duration of this course, including the final assignment, is 5 hours. There are five interactive video lectures with presentations led by the Chief Marketing Officer of Scientissimum Healthcare Marketing Agency, Emil Z., Ph.D., MPH, FRSPH. Each course is a continuation of the previous one, so you have a good learning flow between lectures. After class number five, you will have to answer quick questions on topics covered in this online course. This course is ideal for physicians, administrators, marketers, and those who are seeking to understand the complex system of the healthcare arena. Please note that whoever starts this course should have some basic knowledge of computers and the internet in general. Additionally, it helps to know some of the common medical terminologies.If one desires, after completing the course and submitting your final answer, a digital certificate could be issued to the student.

Marketing, Other Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse4982552

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Church event promotion marketing strategy for big turnouts
Church event promotion marketing strategy for big turnouts

Marketing, Marketing Fundamentals

SKU: linksharecourse2044142

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Have you ever struggled to promote church events to get a great turn out? Do you find yourself stressed by the marketing process always having to work from behind? Do you find that events come and go yet the church does not see new people coming back after the event? By going through this course you will learn how to plan your event promotions months in advance and budget your time and money accurately. The results are you will have less stress, be a better steward of your resources, and get great results in growing your church.

Marketing, Marketing Fundamentals

SKU: linksharecourse2044142

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

2023 Mobile App Marketing & App Store Optimization ASO
2023 Mobile App Marketing & App Store Optimization ASO

Marketing, Growth Hacking

SKU: linksharecourse2247672

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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"These lessons are clear and Straight to the point! He really knows the app market and how to be successful! I Already feel i know what my strategy will be for my business." - Derrick Dandin"Wow amazing course! Great flow, not a discombobulated mess like some of the other app courses. Taking copious notes!" - Matt Menster"As a mobile app developer, I can create amazing apps, but I had no idea how to market the app. Darius really know what he's doing. He walks you step by step so that you know what you are doing. Highly recommend." - Lubomir Klucka"I really was not expecting to learn so much about app marketing! Darius is definitely knowledgeable on the topic, and I cannot wait to use all the tools he talked about and to apply all the strategies he explained!" - Vess Gueorguieva________________________________________________________________This course is designed for people who are in the process of launching an app or have already done so and want to get more users in order to generate more revenue with ASO. I'm not just a theoretical teacher, I am currently growing a massive app business AND consulting other people who are launching their apps and want to get more quality users. My consulting rate is too high if you're just starting out which is why I have created this affordable course. What you can expect: 1. I will give you the 2019 strategies and trends that are moving the app business right now.2. I will show you step-by-step as I launch a new app and offer an over-the-shoulder view of everything I am doing and how you can do the same3. You will get me personally to give you a free audit of your app set-up, strategy, ASO, acquisition, pricing, monetisation and more. Bonus: 1. How to get featured on the App Store or Play Store (it's not as easy as filling out the /promo form)2. How to get influencers for free and get free promotion3. How to raise capital for your app if you want to create a "real" company, not just a lifestyle business Why this course is different: 1. We are going to be REVENUE-FOCUSED with ASO. It's easy to get a lot of install (that are worthless in dollar value), but we will dive deep into strategies, techniques and tips on generating AND growing your revenue. 2. This is the most up-to-date course. it was all recorded in 2019 and I go back at least once a week to update the content and record new videos based on the latest strategies that work. 3. This is the most comprehensive course about app marketing you will find online. I have recorded everything I know from my 8+ years of app marketing experience. REMEMBER: there is a 30-day money back guarantee. No risk. You can go through the entire course and if you don't like it, simply get your money back. No questions asked.

Marketing, Growth Hacking

SKU: linksharecourse2247672

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0


Marketing, Social Media Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse3625012

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Oggi troppe persone investono soldi in pubblicità senza ottenere i risultati che desiderano.Fanno campagne su Facebook e Google e perdono tantissimo tempo nella creazione di contenuti sui social senza raggiungere le persone interessate ai loro prodotti e servizi.Fortunatamente oggi non serve fare pubblicità per raggiungere il tuo target e non serve spendere soldi e tempo per convincere persone che non ti conoscono ad affidarsi a te per acquistare.Oggi puoi raggiungere i tuoi potenziali clienti nei luoghi dove già si trovano e uniscono.Oggi puoi presentarti ai tuoi potenziali clienti attraverso persone che sono già in contatto con loro.Oggi puoi smettere di inseguire clienti ed iniziare a creare collaborazioni.HUB MARKETING è un metodo collaudato per raggiungere i tuoi clienti tramite i loro Hub.In poco tempo potrai entrare in contatto con loro senza spendere un soldo in pubblicità.Nel corso scoprirai:1. Cosa vuol dire Hub Marketing e come lo puoi usare per la tua attività2. Quali sono i 3 elementi fondamentali per fare bene Hub Marketing3. Le 7 diverse categorie di Hub con le quali devi connetterti4. Come identificare la tua nicchia e diversi micro-target al suo interno5. Come mappare i tuoi Hub in base alle diverse categorie6. Come creare contatto nel modo giusto7. Come creare collaborazioni proficue per tutti8. Video-intervista: come un professionista ha sfondato nel suo settore grazie a questa metodologiaSe sei stufo di promuoverti solo con pubblicità, social e funnel questo è il corso che fa per te.Avrai in mano un metodo che quasi nessuno sta utilizzando per creare maggiori entrate alla tua attività.INIZIA ORA...non hai nulla da perdere!Hai 30 giorni per vedere il corso e se non sei soddisfatto su Udemy hai accesso alla garanzia di rimborso.TI ASPETTO PER FARE HUB MARKETING!!

Marketing, Social Media Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse3625012

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

The Instagram Marketing Bootcamp For Beginners
The Instagram Marketing Bootcamp For Beginners

Marketing, Social Media Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse1513772

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Welcome to the Instagram Marketing Bootcamp!If you want to master Instagram Marketing, Grow your account, get more followers, increase engagement, learn more about content and hashtag and other stuff that will help you grow you account, then this is the course for you!NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED!If you have no experience, don't worry! This course is the perfect fit for you. This course will be the best choice you make in your step-by-step journey towards being a professional Instagram Marketing Expert. Although if you already have some knowledge on the subject, you should still find this course useful and helpful!Here are some of the things you'll learn in this course:Grow your instagram accountGain more followersGet engagement on your postsContentHashtags etcWho this course is for:Those who want to learn instagram marketingThose who want to grow their accountsThose who want to build their brands presence on InstagramBusiness ownersStudents and tech enthusiastsEntrepreneursFreelancers I've designed this course to take you down a guided learning path.When you purchase this course you get Life Time Access, Free regular updates, Instructor support and 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!I've designed this course to take you down a guided learning path.Ready to get started?Enroll now and I'll See You In The Course!

Marketing, Social Media Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse1513772

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Google Analytics, GTM. How to improve your marketing?
Google Analytics, GTM. How to improve your marketing?

Marketing, Marketing Analytics & Automation

SKU: linksharecourse4152226

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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DescriptionWeb analytics is the pulse of digital marketing. Everything is measured, and everything is measurable. With Google Analytics and a call tracking system, you can clearly understand who your client is, how to improve your site, and which traffic sources are the most beneficial for your business.What will you learn in this course?After completing this course, you will learn how to work with and get the most out of your web analytics data.What web analytics and why it's essential for your online success.How to set smart goals that help your business growBasic and advanced tools to measure and understand website performance.Have the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and optimize an advertising budget.Learn how to use analytical marketing data to increase your business's profits.How to analyze your content's impact on social media and beyond.Understanding how well your website engages visitors and keeps them interested.Practice transferring the data from Google Analytics to Google Sheets using API Connector by Mixed Analytics.Find out more about valid reasons to replace GA4 with other analytics tools.Practice collecting and interpreting data with Piwik PRO, a GA4 privacy-friendly alternative.All about being a web analyst, what skills you need, and the tools you'll master.Apply your newfound skills to enhance your marketing strategies effectively.What do we offer in our course?Structured lessons with practical exercisesA web analytics checklistA free copy of my book "Cutting-Edge Digital Marketing. How to attract customers and increase online sales". In my book, I cover the following topics in depth: Internet promotion strategy, competitive analysis, web analytics, how to draw a portrait of your target audience, content plan formation, SEO, PPC advertising, promotion for social networks, email marketing, and case studies.Why should you choose this course?Why should you choose us over other online web analytics courses?You will have the opportunity to learn about Google Analytics from the top internet marketing professionals.We are industry experts! WebPromoExperts has over 12 years of experience in internet marketing. Our agency is a Google Premier Partner and a Facebook Marketing Partner.I have personally obtained a vast number of digital marketing qualifications and certifications such as Google Analytics Individual Qualification, Google Ads Individual Qualification, Bing Ads Accredited Professional, Search Ads 360 Certified, and others. During our career, we have launched over 1,500 successful marketing strategies and marketing campaigns. More than 480,000 internet marketers have enrolled in our online courses, all of whom have successfully passed the Google Analytics and Google Ads certifications.Our internet marketing courses are easy to understand. We train specialists for strategy, digital agency management, SMM, SEO, content marketing, PPC advertising, SERM, email marketing, web analytics, and other areas of digital marketing.Upon completion of the course, you will receive a Google Analytics certification from Udemy.What else do you get?Lifetime access to the course and its updatesA certificate from Udemy upon completion of the courseShould you be worried?Sign up now! Every second you wait can cost you leads and applications!This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee!Want to start learning about Google Analytics? Click the "take this course" button to begin developing your project today!

Marketing, Marketing Analytics & Automation

SKU: linksharecourse4152226

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0