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Learn Software Architecture In-depth and Start Architecting
Learn Software Architecture In-depth and Start Architecting

IT & Software, Other IT & Software

SKU: linksharecourse1612380

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Software architecture is a broad subject and there are various aspects to it. To be effective as a software architect you need good all-round grip on the subject. This course will help you learn software architecture comprehensively starting from the basics all the way to its science, so that you can confidently apply the techniques to create your architectures.Learn and Master Software Architecture in this Comprehensive CourseLearn Significant Architecture Perspectives: Functional Architecture, Logical Architecture, Technical Architecture, Physical Architecture, Implementation ArchitectureDifferentiate Enterprise Architecture, Solution Architecture, and Software ArchitectureCapture Architecture Attributes, Architecture Requirements, Architecture ScenariosLearn Architectural Styles, Architectural Patterns, Architecture Principles, StandardsLearn Microservices, Containers, Serverless ComputingApply Architecture TacticsDifferentiate Software Design and Software Architecture Must-have Knowledge of Software ArchitectureWell-known software systems you have come across or used, have effective software architectures underlying them. It is software architecture that primarily enables the software to achieve its expected qualities such as usability, reliability, performance, scalability, and security. Addressing software architecture holistically from concepts, methods, principles, all the way to human aspects is important to help you acquire the knowledge more effectively.Solid knowledge of software architecture is must-have for you if you want to build your career as an architect in the IT industry. There is good demand for knowledgeable software architects, and even if you are not playing the architect role now, knowing software architecture will make it easier for you to understand the software system well to effectively work on it at various levels. Contents and OverviewHow do I become an outstanding software architect? What is the importance of architecture while working with software systems? How do I capture architecture requirements for my software system? What are the different levels of architecture that I might work with? How do I arrive at architectural decisions? How do I appreciate the software architecture of a system?You can get answers to your above questions and more in this course. We have designed this comprehensive course on software architecture to be easily understood by people at all experience levels. This course contains 38 lectures and over 7 hours of content which you can follow at your own pace to master the subject of software architecture. To ensure your top-class learning, this course has been prepared and delivered by practicing architects, each with over 15 years of architecting experience in the Information Technology (IT) industry.For your smooth convenient learning, we have logically broken this course down into 10 sections and each section closes with a quiz helping you refresh your learning. You will learn both the theory and practical aspects of software architecture.The lectures of this course are in the voice of Sensei Technologies team member based in India and the accent of the voice is largely Indian English. However, to make it easier for you to follow the voice narration in the lectures, we have enabled captions (sub-titles) (English only) on all the lectures in this course. To see the captions, while going through any lecture in this course, please click on the "CC" button on the bottom right of the lecture screen and select "English US". Captions (sub-titles) will be helpful to you - please use this feature.In this course, you will start with learning the basic concepts of architecture.You will then learn, using the approach of architecture scenarios involving architecture attributes, how to capture architecture requirements. You will see examples of architecture scenarios.After that, you will learn all the significant architecture perspectives used to create and completely document software architecture. You will see examples of representations of software architecture based on these significant architecture perspectives. You will then learn the different techniques used in coming up with the software architecture, addressing the different significant perspectives of functional architecture, logical architecture, technical architecture, physical architecture, and implementation architecture. The course will take you through architecture styles, architecture patterns, architecture principles, standards, and architecture tactics, all of which are used in arriving at your architecture. You will learn learn microservices architectural style, and serverless computing and containerization architecture patterns, explained with examples.You will, appreciate the idea of abstraction and abstraction levels, differentiate the different architectures in your enterprise such as enterprise architecture, solution architecture, and software architecture, and also be able to link them. After that, you will learn the full architecture process and the steps followed in it, and how to adapt the architecture process depending on the software development life-cycle processes such as agile, iterative. And, finally, you will understand the architect role in detail with the recommended skills.By the end of this course, you will have valuable knowledge and skills, to create effective architectures for your software systems, and to understand the architectures of existing software systems and improve those architectures in a short period of time.

IT & Software, Other IT & Software

SKU: linksharecourse1612380

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Engenharia de Software Gerenciando Projetos em Equipe
Engenharia de Software Gerenciando Projetos em Equipe

Development, Software Development Tools

SKU: linksharecourse4246022

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Olá, tudo bem com você?Já pensou em ter a capacidade de trabalhar em grandes projetos com grandes equipes de desenvolvimento ? Existem algumas ferramentas que vão te proporcionar todas essas conquistas profissionais, na verdade existem muitas, mas, hoje em dia, as mais usadas são: Git e GitHub.No primeiro módulo do curso, você vai ter uma ideia geral do Git e do GitHub, vai criar sua conta e junto a isso vai ter um panorama geral do funcionamento dessas duas ferramentas de desenvolvimento.No segundo módulo você vai aprender os comandos mais usados no GitHub no dia a dia de trabalho, são comandos essenciais que você vai aprender e com isso você já vai se familiarizando com eles, você vai aprender os 8 comandos mais usados no dia a dia de trabalho.No último módulo do curso, você vai aprender sobre controle de versão, o que que é, porque que você deve usá-lo e você vai aprender a subir e excluir seus projetos da maneira mais eficiente e correta, sem ter que ficar ali, digitando muitos comandos no terminal.E então, vamos seguir juntos nessa caminhada para crescermos profissionalmente ? Quer aproveitar as melhores oportunidades no mercado e trabalhar em grandes equipes ou não ?

Development, Software Development Tools

SKU: linksharecourse4246022

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

ISO 9001 con software gestionale
ISO 9001 con software gestionale

Business, Management

SKU: linksharecourse3976478

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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OBIETTIVI: mettere in condizione chi porta a termine il corso di costruire e/o gestire un Sistema Gestione Qualità certificato ISO 9001, di cui oggi molte aziende sono dotate, attraverso i seguenti steps:- Illustrazione della norma ISO 9001;- Passaggi per costruire da zero un sistema qualità;- Utilizzo del software gestionale dedicato;- 10 esercizi sui vari ambienti del software.-- STRUMENTI --1. LE REGISTRAZIONI DEL SISTEMA QUALITA' - Flussogrammi, istruzioni operative e moduli per:- Processi primari (es. commessa, cantiere, produzione)- Processi di supporto (contabilità, acquisti)- Processi di sistema (es. verifiche ispettive, non conformità)* Due sistemi realmente costruiti in aziende consultabili a click per processo di lavoro e scaricabili2. SOFTWARE GESTIONALE ISO 9001VERIFICHE ISPETTIVE, PROGETTI DI MIGLIORAMENTO E AZIONI PREVENTIVE, NON CONFORMITA', REGISTRAZIONI E REVISIONI, PIANI QUALITA' , RIESAME DELLA DIREZIONE, SWOT ANALISYS INDICATORI DI PERFORMANCE, TARATURA STRUMENTI DI PRECISIONE, RECLAMI DEL CLIENTE, INDAGINI DI SODDISFAZIONE DEL CLIENTE, VALUTAZIONE STATISTICA DEI FORNITORI.* Il software gestisce anche l'amministrazione aziendale classica ed il controllo di gestione (vedi in fondo).* Sul software si ottiene la licenza di utilizzo per sempre e si potrà utilizzare anche nell'azienda in cui si lavora o lavorerà. Le imprese lo potranno utilizzare su tutte le loro postazioni PC.* 10 esercizi di inserimento, consultazione e aggiornamento dati.3. STRUMENTI ULTERIORI PER LA BUONA GESTIONE AZIENDALE:- Gestione dei Teams di settore e progetti con Office 365: apertura account Office 365 e creazione di utenti e gruppi; apertura sito SharePoint e creazione di un Web Database; strutturazione della comunicazione con TEAMS.- Presentazione di lavoro PowerPoint preimpostata a links: inserimento titoli argomenti; inserimento contenuti presentazione; aggiornamento file e navigazione presentazione.- Miscellanea di utilità per PC sulla scrivania di lavoro: utilizzare WhatsApp web sul PC in versione desktop; pubblicare sincronicamente e ripetutamente un post su più social; pulizia/deframmentazione del disco C e creazione del punto di ripristino del sistema; proteggere tutto o parte del foglio Excel con password; Word - Sommario relazione di lavoro e condivisione OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams (SLIDES NAVIGABILI CON SCREENSHOT PER OGNI ARGOMENTO CON TUTTI I PASSAGGI PER OTTENERE IL RISULTATO).- Videomaking per promuovere prodotti e servizi: realizzazione file video; taglio on line di; montaggio on line di più video insieme; conversione file in altri formati; caricamento su Youtube ed estrazione sottotitoli; incorporamento dei sottotitoli nel file video in locale.- Creazione catalogo prodotti con PowerPoint: formattazione caselle di testo e sfondo diapositiva; inserimento di immagini nelle slides da PC, archivio office e web; intervenire sulla struttura della diapositiva per rendere fissi testi e immagini; utilizzo funzioni di dettatura nelle caselle di testo e traduzione automatica; duplicazione diapositive e trasformazione file PowerPoint in formato PDF.- Corretta e completa configurazione pagina Facebook aziendale: creazione pagina ed inserimento dati essenziali; i protagonisti della pagina: determinazione esatta di chi può fare che cosa (SLIDES NAVIGABILI CON SCREENSHOT PER OGNI ARGOMENTO CON TUTTI I PASSAGGI PER OTTENERE IL RISULTATO)._____________________ * Gli altri ambienti del software1. AMMINISTRAZIONE CLASSICA: clienti, fornitori, fatture, magazzino, liquidità di cassa, prezzi aziendali e dei fornitori, personale;2. CONTROLLO DI GESTIONE: costi fissi e costi variabili con punto di pareggio costi/ricavi ed utile (commessa, cantiere, produzione) per singoli oggetti e per anno (sono scaricabili 3 versioni del software in cui è diversa la parte relativa al controllo di gestione).

Business, Management

SKU: linksharecourse3976478

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

IT Support Technician Fundementals - Hardware and Software
IT Support Technician Fundementals - Hardware and Software

IT & Software, Other IT & Software

SKU: linksharecourse5406806

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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This course was created to provide the basic knowledge needed to start a career as an IT support technician. You will learn about computer parts, cables, types of connections, basic hardware troubleshooting, most common laptops/pc brands that the company uses, and some basics about operating systems and most used software and how to install it. By the end of this tutorial, you will have good foundation skills that every IT support technician needs to know and then you will be able to move to more advanced topics like Networking, Active Directory, Cloud Services, Microsoft 365, Servers and more..You don't need to have any prior knowledge or experience to learn for this course. Road map:1. Computer Hardware Basics:- Intro- Processor- Memory- Hdd/Ssd- Graphics Card- Motherboard- Power Supply- Monitor- Mouse and Keyboard- Printer2. Cables: HDMI, Display Port, DVI, VGA, Audio, SATA, USB, Ethernet3. Summary - pc parts and connections4. Basic Hardware Troubleshooting5. Laptop Basics:- What is a laptop- Parts of the laptop- How to connect/Docking station- Common Laptops hardware problems6. Most Common Brands for business use = pc/ laptops7. Computer Software Basics:- Operating Systems- Chrome- Office Package- Adobe Reader- VLC- Teams- Winzip/WinRaR/7 Zip- Snipping Tool - Screenshots

IT & Software, Other IT & Software

SKU: linksharecourse5406806

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

AutoCAD 3D & 2D beginner course modeling software
AutoCAD 3D & 2D beginner course modeling software

Design, Architectural Design

SKU: linksharecourse5009760

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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AutoCAD 3D & 2D beginner course modeling softwareAre you struggling to learn AutoCAD in your own? Then is this course the right for you! In this english course you will learn the basics of the program right from scratch that you can work better with the architect and engineer software. You will learn important commands and important functions in this course! AutoCAD can be used as a designer, too. You also can use what you have learned for AutoCAD in the version 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. Next to this course you will be able to create your own drawings.What you will learn in this courseOverviewApplication menuLinesStatus barMovingTrimMirrorStretchArrayDimTextTablesLayersProject exampleWhat our students say about the courseDaniel: I am enthusiastic about the course! I was able to improve my skills significantly and now have a better insight into the course. I find it much easier to create projects.Tom: At first I had a hard time with the software. I think everyone knows that you get a new software and have problems to learn it. This course has helped me understand the program much better and allows me to create great projects today. I didn't think you could learn so much in four hours. Even today I watch a few lessons repeatedly from this course to better internalize what I learned. It is explained in great detail and the quality is also right. Only to recommend!Our Happiness GuaranteeIf you don't like the course, udemy offers you a 30-day money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and can only gain useful knowledge.

Design, Architectural Design

SKU: linksharecourse5009760

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Certificación en Calidad del Software(QA) (ISTQB CTFL)
Certificación en Calidad del Software(QA) (ISTQB CTFL)

IT & Software, IT Certifications

SKU: linksharecourse3688966

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Este es el curso definitivo para lograr tu certificación del ISTQB en Pruebas de Software.Más de 12 horas de videos, prácticas casi en cada sección, y siempre tratando de relacionar los contenidos con la práctica real. Incluye los temas del syllabus, pero los amplía y detalla para que te sean útiles en tu profesión. El curso incluye prácticas constantes durante las lecciones y un Examen de Práctica que te ayudará en la certificación.Cada vez más , la calidad de software se ha convertido en un factor determinante del éxito de sistemas técnicos o comerciales y productos. Las pruebas y revisiones aseguran la mejora de la calidad de productos de software así como la calidad del proceso de desarrollo en sí. Este curso brinda los fundamentos para ser un profesional de la calidad de software, con temas como Fundamentos de Pruebas, Pruebas a través del Ciclo de Vida de Software, Técnicas de Pruebas.Las pruebas de software incluyen:Actividades constructivas con el objeto de prevenir defectos, por ejemplo a través de la aplicación de métodos apropiados de ingeniería de softwareActividades analíticas con el objeto de detectar defectos, por ejemplo a través de pruebas conducentes a la corrección de defectos y prevención de fallos, incrementando así la calidad del software.Todo este proceso de pruebas es importante por que:El proceso de prueba ayuda a suministrar/aportar al software los atributos deseados, por ejemplo retirar defectos que conducen a fallos.Actividades de pruebas software adecuadas reducirán el riesgo de encontrar errores durante la fase de operaciones softwareLa ejecución de pruebas puede ser un requisito obligatorio por parte del cliente, debido a normas legales así como al cumplimiento de estándares propios de una industria. El coste de eliminar defectos se incrementa con el tiempo de permanencia del defecto en el sistema

IT & Software, IT Certifications

SKU: linksharecourse3688966

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Software Engineering Interview Practice Questions
Software Engineering Interview Practice Questions

IT & Software, IT Certifications

SKU: linksharecourse3568351

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Are you entering the job market for the first time or looking for a complete change in your career?The purpose of this practice test is to check the knowledge of software engineering as a body of knowledge. Then you can get some ideas about software engineering interview questions.Every month I upload the bulk of real interview questions from software engineering interviewers in different company! So keep in touch with my course. I hope it's helpful! Get ready to land your dream job!This Practice test include;Introduction to software engineering, giving you a definition of this body of knowledge.Main methodologies of software engineering.Software engineering OOP concepts and principles in parallel with the software development life cycleMain methodologies of software engineeringSoftware Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Software modelled using Unified Modelling Language (UML)Compare and contrast software development modelsAbout five major phases of the SDLC: requirements gathering, requirements analysis, design, coding/implementation, and testingCase StudyYou will also learn about project management to deliver high-quality software that satisfies customer needs and is within budget.Demonstrate mastery of software engineering knowledge, skills, and professional issues necessary to practice software engineeringLooking for a Practice course on Software Engineering? Looking for a Practice course on Software Engineering Interview Questions?Then this is the course you are looking for!It is your time to check your knowledge.Enrol now!

IT & Software, IT Certifications

SKU: linksharecourse3568351

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Make Your Own Digital Store and Start your Software Business
Make Your Own Digital Store and Start your Software Business

Marketing, Affiliate Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse2313766

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Hi friends How are you ,In this Course I will Teach you How can you make Own Digital Store by php script And No need to Install wordpress on it because This is simple Php Script which is Better Than Wordpress ,Easy to install and dashboard is also Very easy Means A child Can Also Manage His Store. Features:You can Add Your Own LogoYou Can Add Unlimited ProductsYou can Also Set your own PriceNo special Requirement you should have only computer and internet connectionFully customized and Professional Store You can sell anything on your store and also premade payment can sell your eBooks and digital products easily and also promote your product world can easily add categories of different niches and add more product when you want .you can add and remove any product and also edit.this store will give boost your business and customers will trust on take this and learn something new and amazing features based digital store can sell software also which will be delivery automatically to last step you can promote your store by Facebook ads and google ads and get more customers and enhance your business

Marketing, Affiliate Marketing

SKU: linksharecourse2313766

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

CPSA - Curso de Pruebas de Software Ágiles
CPSA - Curso de Pruebas de Software Ágiles

IT & Software, IT Certifications

SKU: linksharecourse3306894

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Si deseas ingresar en el mundo de la agilidad del testing, en este entrenamiento podrás aprender desde cero las bases de la agilidad, Scrum, DevOps y las actividades de un tester ágil, asi como las prácticas más comunes dentro de un sprint que aceleran agilidad como Integración Continua, TDD, BDD, API Testing, Exploratory Testing entre otras más.

IT & Software, IT Certifications

SKU: linksharecourse3306894

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Software Hacks for Time Management
Software Hacks for Time Management

Office Productivity, Microsoft

SKU: linksharecourse4224190

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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This course is designed to provide software hacks to aid with time management using software that you already use. It covers using tasks in Microsoft 365 applications to help increase your time management skills. The applications include Outlook 365, Teams 365 and Planner 365. This course introduces you to the tool called Insights that can be found in these three applications. You will learn more about the following listed items:1. Identify various hacks to enhance time management.2. Utilize software tools to increase productivity.3. Construct a better workday flow.With nearly 10,000 training videos available for desktop applications, technical concepts, and business skills that comprise hundreds of courses, Intellezy has many of the videos and courses you and your workforce needs to stay relevant and take your skills to the next level. Our video content is engaging and offers assessments that can be used to test knowledge levels pre and/or post course. Our training content is also frequently refreshed to keep current with changes in the software. This ensures you and your employees get the most up-to-date information and techniques for success. And, because our video development is in-house, we can adapt quickly and create custom content for a more exclusive approach to software and computer system roll-outs.

Office Productivity, Microsoft

SKU: linksharecourse4224190

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0