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The Essential Guide To Teaching Online Lessons
The Essential Guide To Teaching Online Lessons

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse2898996

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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*subtitles available in Spanish (subtítulos disponibles en español )*subtitles available in Italian (sottotitoli disponible in italiano)3 years ago, when I first started teaching online, it was difficult to transfer everything I knew about teaching in the classroom to an online class. I felt limited by what I could do and my online classes were all over the place. But now it's a whole different story. I love teaching online and I want you to love it too. That's why I made this course.If you've been thinking of making the switch to online teaching but you're not sure where to start, this course will help you!✓Learn which tools you need and how to use them. ✓Make your classes more engaging with new online tools and materials.✓Discover how to teach big groups without a problem using tried and test techniques ✓Make your online organisation a cinch with my Google classroom walkthrough✓Hate technology but want to work from home? No problem! Check out the section for Technophobes! Learn to teach online today and give your students (and yourself) the best lessons possible!

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse2898996

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Learn Creative Teaching Skills
Learn Creative Teaching Skills

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse1813842

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Teaching is a great responsibility and to the world of googlers it is just so challenging all the time. This course modules sharing of LEARNING with segment of being a hobby. The ideas and deliberations showcased dwell pride of teaching with live examples from Sri Lanka and India and the initiative is towards excellence in Classroom Teaching ideas in particular.

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse1813842

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Teaching algebra of Second Grade Preparatory- Mathematics
Teaching algebra of Second Grade Preparatory- Mathematics

Teaching & Academics, Math

SKU: linksharecourse4962346

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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from lesson1-lesson8:- the cube root of rational numbers-lesson1- cube root-lesson1 (another section)- the set of irrational numbers-Lesson 2- the set of real numbers-Lesson 3- intervals-lesson 4 (part1)- intervals-lesson4 (part2)- operations on real numbers-lesson5 (part1)- operations on real numbers-lesson5 (part2)- operations on square roots-lesson6 (part1)- operations on square roots-lesson6 (part2)- conjugate numbers-lesson7 (part1)- conjugate numbers-lesson7 (part2)- operations on cube roots-lesson8تدريس وشرح مادة الماث -فرع الجبر -لغات للصف الثاني الاعدادي-الترم الأول من الدرس الاول حتى الدرس الثامن.مدة الكورس 13 حصة ، وقت كل حصة حوالي 40 دقيقة ، شرح كل درس بالتفصيلمع حل أهم الأسئلة والأفكار المتعلقة بكل درس.تدريس عبر dashboard عبر برنامج الزووم.حل تدريبات على كل درس من كتاب الوزارة ، وأيضاً كتاب المعاصر.حل أسئلة من السنوات السابقة لفرع الجبر.--------------------------------سيتمكن الطالب من فهم الدرس بمشيئة الله ومن ثم يجب عليه أن يطبق عليه بحل أسئلة كتاب الوزارة على الدرس أو أسئلة من أي كتاب خارجي.يتعين عليه إعادة حل الأسئلة المكتوبة بالحصة وحلها بمفرده.الدروس التي يتم تدريسها بالكورس هي كالآتي: teaching of algebra branch for grade 2 prepfrom lesson1-lesson8:- the cube root of rational numbers-lesson1- cube root-lesson1 (another section)- the set of irrational numbers-Lesson 2- the set of real numbers-Lesson 3- intervals-lesson 4 (part1)- intervals-lesson4 (part2)- operations on real numbers-lesson5 (part1)- operations on real numbers-lesson5 (part2)- operations on square roots-lesson6 (part1)- operations on square roots-lesson6 (part2)- conjugate numbers-lesson7 (part1)- conjugate numbers-lesson7 (part2)- operations on cube roots-lesson8

Teaching & Academics, Math

SKU: linksharecourse4962346

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Teaching Through Technology
Teaching Through Technology

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse2053459

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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The TEACHERS need to harness the requirements to the best of their abilities and interest further. They need to be dependent on some SMART teaching options available to them in the classroom to make the learning scenario interesting to the kids. This offers a visionary methodology to educate each and every child of the country with specialization in the art of scalability involving people, processes and technology. The focus applicates towards building the innovative capabilities and performance at the institutional level periodically. The module encapsulates the same with priority. The TEACHERS need to harness the requirements to the best of their abilities and interest further. They need to be dependent on some SMART teaching options available to them in the classroom to make the learning scenario interesting to the kids. This offers a visionary methodology to educate each and every child of the country with specialization in the art of scalability involving people, processes and technology. The focus applicates towards building the innovative capabilities and performance at the institutional level periodically. The module encapsulates the same with priority. The TEACHERS need to harness the requirements to the best of their abilities and interest further. They need to be dependent on some SMART teaching options available to them in the classroom to make the learning scenario interesting to the kids. This offers a visionary methodology to educate each and every child of the country with specialization in the art of scalability involving people, processes and technology. The focus applicates towards building the innovative capabilities and performance at the institutional level periodically. The module encapsulates the same with priority.

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse2053459

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Basics of Child Centered Education In Teaching Strategy
Basics of Child Centered Education In Teaching Strategy

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse4658656

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Welcome back to our third and most interesting basic course under the personalised education segment which focuses more on The Basics of Child-Centred Education from the teaching strategy of personalised education is an approach getting popular in recent times in the education system since it focuses on the extent of learning happening rather than the teaching aspects. Focus more on the aid to help teachers handle their classroom and provide a better learning environment for the students. In this method, more emphasis is on how teachers can motivate each learner to achieve the expected learning outcomes (ELOs). This is also referred to as Student-Centred Learning or Learner Centred Approach to teaching. The course content is developed by experts from the industry who have tested them in the actual learning environment. Here one not only gets the basics but also the understanding of the child and how to deal with them. This course is designed to sensitise teachers about the need to adopt a teaching style which reaches each and every child and helps the learners to achieve the expected learning outcomes in an easier way. The course also helps the end user the student through guided learning from the teachers.

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse4658656

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Trauma Informed Teaching
Trauma Informed Teaching

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse4032548

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Trauma is a silent epidemic. It is an inevitable part of life that has grave effects on our physical and mental health, but no one seems to be talking about it. As educators, we have a unique opportunity to help students overcome these challenges. This leads to improvements in a child's academic performance, their overall well being, your stress levels as a teacher, and the harmony of your class as a whole. This Trauma-Informed Teaching course includes elements of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Whole Child Approach, as well as incorporating groundbreaking research in the areas of neuroscience, psychology, and human development. In the first module we will discuss what trauma is. We will dispel some myths about what trauma is and isn't and discover that trauma isn't something that is just "all in your head". Then in module two we will shift focus to see trauma within the educational context. What changes in the brain occur? What behaviors might we see in class that are indicative of a history of trauma? Module three we will get into the meat of the course. We will discuss best practices to transform your class or school to a trauma informed one. Finally, in module four, we will discuss potential set-backs. What are the common hurdles you might encounter when trying to shift to trauma informed practices and what can you do to overcome them?

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse4032548

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Setting Up An Independent Music Teaching Studio
Setting Up An Independent Music Teaching Studio

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse4606692

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Few music degree programs prepare new music teachers to run their own small business. But that's what independent music teachers do! They create an environment that inspires students, promotes hard work and the creation of art, and reflects their values as an educator. And they have to do all of that while collecting payments, scheduling lessons and communicating with parents. In this course, you will learn to:How to discover your values as a teacherHow to build structure into your business planningHow to set up your physical studio spaceHow to create traditions in your studio that foster community and encouragementHow to interact with parents as clientsHow to set a tuition plan and calendar schedule that work for youHow to create a pedagogical planHow to make your lessons flowHow to be an effective note takerHow to interact as a musician with your broader communityWith a 20-30 minute video, slide deck and homework assignment for each module, veteran cello teacher Brittany Gardner will lead new (or experienced!) you through a journey of self-assessment, alignment and growth as you explore how to take your music teaching studio to the next level. Brought to you in partnership with studio management software provider Duet Partner, this course will help all music teachers focus on the music, not the management.

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse4606692

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Micro Teaching- A way to build up skills!
Micro Teaching- A way to build up skills!

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse2168258

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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The module covers various types of Micro Teaching and their essence in learning outcomes. A must for all teachers to make learning a priority with delight for the students within classrooms. It dwells about teaching excellence and periodic narration of teaching strategies making it a learning experience for the kids as a priority. This session discusses a variety of Micro Teaching approaches, as well as their significance to students' overall education. A requirement for every educator in the interest of elevating students' enjoyment of education to the level of a top priority in the classroom setting. It focuses on providing excellent instruction and providing periodic narration of different teaching tactics, intending to make the whole thing more of an educational experience for the students.During this session, we will talk about a range of Micro Teaching strategies, as well as the value of these strategies to the overall education of the kids. It should be a prerequisite for each and every educator, with the goal of lifting the level of students' pleasure of education to the level of a top priority in the environment of the classroom. In order to achieve the objective of giving students with a more enriching learning experience overall, the program places primary emphasis on the delivery of high-quality instruction as well as the periodic retelling of various instructional strategies.

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse2168258

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Delightful Teaching Strategies
Delightful Teaching Strategies

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse2484524

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Incorporate elements of surprise and the unexpected into regular teaching. There are many different methods that we might amaze and enthrall our pupils in order to pique their interest in the material that they are studying: Explore other concepts such as School, Classroom, and Classroom decoration. Creating a great adventure for oneself. Putting together the experience. Program Focus. Curriculum Design. Possibilities for Introspection and Pleasure Seeking The highs and lows of our endeavors A Guide for Instructional Design. Measurement. Our Reflection.Include instances of surprise and the unexpected into the routine process of instructing students. We may try to amaze and captivate our pupils in order to pique their interest in the material that they are currently studying: Explore some concepts that are associated with this topic, such as Schools, Classrooms, and the Decoration of Classrooms. Creating a thrilling experience only for oneself that no one else will have. Putting together the disparate aspects of the event. Program Focus. Curriculum Design. Possibilities for one's own introspection as well as the pursuit of one's own pleasure The achievements and setbacks that have resulted from the efforts that we have put in A Guide to the Practice of Instructional Design as a Reference Manual Measurement. A Refection on Our Part

Teaching & Academics, Teacher Training

SKU: linksharecourse2484524

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Yoga Teaching Training 101
Yoga Teaching Training 101

Personal Development, Career Development

SKU: linksharecourse5366732

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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This is the first course in our Yoga Teacher Training curriculum.This program intends to enlighten a new breed of yoga teachers. Students that will emerge out of this program will have experienced what the history of yoga is really about and how we can uplift our own vibration and in doing so move others to find their highest selves. Our service is to achieve a significant shift in consciousness through education.Students will have the opportunity to receive a 200Hr Yoga Certification through Lexicon College and other certifying bodies and will be capable of leading a class of students in all the different types of asanas, pranayama, meditations, mudras, bandhas, and sound healing. However, this program will also be ideal for people that do not seek to practice yoga as a profession but who would like to go deeper in their own practice and experience a shift in consciousness that will empower them in all the different aspects of their lives.Further successful completion of other courses at Lexicon College, students will also have the possibility to receive additional certifications to enable them to take part in and lead training of new teachers in this conscious form of yoga.

Personal Development, Career Development

SKU: linksharecourse5366732

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0