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Marketing digital edição de video design gráfico - 22 cursos
Design, Design Tools
SKU: linksharecourse4813526
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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** Curso mais vendido em português e um dos mais vendidos no mundo. +250 aulas somando todo o curso e mais de 30 horas de vídeos**Neste curso objetivaremos a aprendizagem prática através da criação e composição de elementos com o Design E web. este curso, você descobrirá os fundamentos do design gráfico e seus principais elementos, tais como: forma, tipografia, cor e composição. Ao longo das cinco unidades, você aprenderá a dar forma às suas ideias com base nesses princípios, criando um universo visual a partir da sua imaginação, criatividade e recursos gráficos. As cores, a forma, o espaço, o equilíbrio, a assimetria e muitas outras considerações conformam uma composição. No design gráfico, é fundamental conhecer estes componentes e dominá-los para criar peças de comunicação impactantes e que se conectem com seu público.Quem não precisa de um site hoje em dia? Seja ele para exibir seu portfólio ou para encontrar novos clientes, saber programar é uma habilidade muito útil. Carlos almeida, está aqui para ensinar os fundamentos de programação para você lançar um site visualmente impressionante. Neste curso, você obterá um guia completo de planejamento, design, formatação e lançamento do seu próprio site. Aprenderá a traduzir suas ideias com códigos HTML, CSS e JavaScript e descobrirá como usar programas gratuitos que facilitam a programação. Construir um site intuitivo e funcional, e que ao mesmo tempo represente a sua marca, é fundamental para conectar-se com seu público-alvo. Neste curso, você aprenderá a criar um site totalmente personalizado no WordPress. Com a ajuda do Carlinzim, você desenvolverá, passo a passo, desde as primeiras configurações até a publicação de um site moderno e profissional, adaptado às suas necessidades.você conhecerá todas as particularidades e ferramentas que o Premiere Pro oferece para criar vídeos de qualidade, seja você um iniciante no mundo da edição de vídeo ou alguém que já tem experiência com esse tipo de programa. O curso foi dividido em duas partes, edição e gravação para facilitar seu aprendizado começando pelo básico e finalizando no avançado. Além de aprender edição e gravação de vídeo você também vai ver como organizar e gerenciar os arquivos.Este não é apenas mais um simples curso de design que te ensinará a copiar e colar coisas, ou recriar coisas sem sentido. É um curso que, sobretudo, foi pensado e desenvolvido para estimular você a desenvolver a técnica aliada a criatividade, que são essenciais a quaisquer trabalhos de composição e design.É um curso que, acima de tudo, foi pensado e desenvolvido para estimular você a desenvolver a técnica e a criatividade que são essenciais para qualquer trabalho de composição e design. Este curso é para todos que desejam criar projetos surpreendentes para seus clientes e acrescentar esta habilidade ao seu currículo. Você aprenderá como construir belos websites, como desenhar logotipos, como criar infográficos e cartazes. Você também aprenderá sobre as mais novas tendências em design gráfico.Agora que você já sabe quão rico e útil é o conteúdo desse curso, te aguardo em nossas aulas, para que possamos dar novos passos na jornada do design profissional.Um forte abraço e te encontro nas aulas!---O que nossos alunos falam a respeito:★★★★★Julio CesarAprender fazer manipulações de imagens, Tratamento de imagens para Rede Sociais, Sites e Blogs, Criação de Logo, Criação de folders, tag's.★★★★★Caio MarquesAdorei o curso e recomendo, a todos que querem se aventurar pela profissão de designer, fotografia, ou até mesmo que adorem ter como hobby, o domínio de manipular e corrigir imagens por conta própria. Os desenvolvedores do curso estão de parabéns!★★★★★Flávia de SouzaO curso é perfeito e muito completo, e saber que posso acessá-lo sempre que necessário torna tudo mais perfeito ainda! Eu concluí e amei demais a experiência e aprendizado!Respostas de nossos alunos neste curso após mais de 30 avaliações:Você está obtendo informações importantes? - Resposta: 100% SimAs explicações dos conceitos são claras? - Resposta: 100% Sim.A apresentação do instrutor é cativante? - Resposta: 100% Sim.O curso está atendendo a suas expectativas? - Resposta: 100% Sim.O instrutor entende do assunto? - Resposta: 100% Sim.O curso contém um conjunto completo para seu aprendizado:Vídeo-aulas.Exercícios e simulações para você praticar.Suporte para tirar as suas dúvidas.Não há risco algum, a plataforma da Udemy oferece:Certificado ao término da formação.Garantia de Qualidade (ou seu dinheiro de volta em até 30 dias após a compra).Acesso vitalício, não expira nunca. Clique no botão COMPRAR AGORA e tenha acesso à 100% do meu curso. Seja muito bem-vindo e conte conosco em sua jornada de aprendizado!
Design, Design Tools
SKU: linksharecourse4813526
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Learning Adobe After Effects CC Tutorial Videos
Design, Design Tools
SKU: linksharecourse61188
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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In this Adobe After Effects CC training course from Infinite Skills you will learn how to get the most out your post-production effects and compositing with this powerful software from Adobe. Designed for the beginner, you will learn how to use After Effects CC from the ground up, no previous experience is necessary!You will start this video based tutorial with an overview of the After Effects workflow, and a tour of the interface to become familiar with the location of the tools you will use. The course then immediately gets you working hands-on with projects; importing video, importing assets, creating and arranging your layers and working with text. You will learn how to work with shapes, and techniques for using the paint tools. The course introduces you to masks, matts and stencils, and distorting and animation using Puppet Tools. As you continue through the After Effects CC training you will learn how to apply effects and transitions, track motion, stabilize video, and work within 3D space. An amazing new feature to After Effects CC is the ability to bring in Cinema 4D scenes as layers using the Live 3D Pipeline, and Jeff will show you how!Once you have completed this Adobe After Effects CC video tutorial, you will have a solid grasp on how to apply the tools in this visual effects software to your own video projects. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.
Design, Design Tools
SKU: linksharecourse61188
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse4117812
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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本コースではデジタル一眼レフ、ミラーレスカメラを使って、マニュアルモードで動画撮影する方法を学びます。動画撮影は、ちょっとしたコツさえ身につければ、綺麗な映像を自分の思い通りに撮影することができます。綺麗に撮影するためには、適正露出(適切な明るさ)で、適切な色味(色温度)で、適切にフォーカス(ピント)合わせをする必要があります。そのためには、カメラの設定の3大要素である、絞り(F値)、シャッタースピード、ISO、これらを理解して使いこなす必要があります。写真撮影のマニュアル設定は、撮影したいシーンによって、色々と設定を使い分けるため難しい部分も多いですが、動画撮影の場合、実は写真に比べて設定するものがシンプルです。専門用語は使わずに分かりやすく解説していますので、本コースでぜひ学んでみて下さい。(コース内容)セクション1: はじめに・動画撮影の基本はマニュアル露出(マニュアルモード)・露出を決める3要素(F値、シャッタースピード、ISO感度)・絞り(F値)の値による違い・シャッタースピード(写真撮影の場合)・ISO感度・写真撮影時の3要素の関係・動画撮影時の3要素の関係セクション2: フレームレートと画質(画面解像度)について・動画撮影時の適切なシャッタースピードとは・フレームレートの違いによる見え方(24,30,60fps比較)・画質(画面解像度)・4Kで撮影してフルHDで編集する方法・iphone設定、センサーサイズの違い・動画撮影時にシャッタースピードが速いときに起こる現象セクション3:適切な露出で撮影するために便利な機能について・ゼブラ・ヒストグラムセクション4: 適切な設定で動画撮影するためのアイテム・NDフィルター・可変式NDフィルター・ステップアップリングセクション5: ホワイトバランス・ホワイトバランスとは・色温度・カラーフィルター・白色を基準に自動調整セクション6: 色味(ルック)・クリエイティブスタイル・ピクチャープロファイルセクション7: オートフォーカスとマニュアルフォーカス・オートフォーカスとマニュアルフォーカスの使い分け・AF駆動速度とAF被写体追従感度・フォーカスエリア・マニュアルフォーカス・ピーキング(フォーカスアシスト)・ピント拡大・外部モニターセクション8: ボーナスレクチャー【特典】割引価格で対面・オンライン講座の受講(コース対象者)・一眼レフカメラ、ミラーレスカメラ初心者・F値、シャッタースピード、ISOをマニュアルで設定したい方・綺麗な映像を撮るために必要なカメラの設定方法を知りたい方(本コースを受講することによって得られるもの)・一眼レフ、ミラーレスカメラを使った動画撮影の方法について理解が深まる。・オート撮影ではなく、マニュアル撮影で、適切な露出、適切な色温度、適切なフォーカスで撮影することができるようになる。
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse4117812
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Movavi Video Editor Guide - Video Editing for Beginners
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse4574656
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Imagine being able to edit videos like a pro. Imagine editing them with only two clicks, no need for overlays, transitions or music. Video editing is kind of complicated. Or is it?Movavi video editor is a simple and powerful video editing software that will make your video magic happen. It can be used to edit and convert videos, create 3D effects, stabilize shaky footage, add audio tracks to your video, and more. This program allows you to edit videos, create special effects and add music. This robust set of powerful features that is easy to use means that you can get the look you want very quickly. This has made it a favorite for both professionals and novice video editors alike.In this course I will teach you everything about it, and some advanced video editing techniques that I have learnt so you can make high-quality videos easily. The main idea of this course is to improve your knowledge and skills on how to create a high-quality video, so you can make your own videos without the need of someone else's help.In this course you will learn:Learn the fundamentals of video editing: how-to create a video, as well as common mistakes and solutions;Become familiar with Movavi Video Editor tools and get a better grasp on the basics so you can start producing amazing videos;How to Cut videos and make edits;Add soundtracks and voiceovers;Find out how to work with clips, make transitions, apply effects and add titles;Tips and tricks on using Movavi Video Editor's features;Discover advanced techniques to improve your skills and develop a unique style in your videos;With Advanced video editing techniques, you'll go beyond simple fixes and learn how to polish your videos with advanced features.Everything you will learn here will be based on My practice as a video editor and content creator and Everything shown step by step as I am performing everything live on video.And don't forget that Instructor is here for you. For any questions do not hesitate to ask.
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse4574656
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Power Video Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro in 45 min
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse1508122
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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This course cuts down the traditional 5-6 hour editing course to its best essentials, so complete beginners learn all the steps needed to edit their video footage with Adobe Premiere pro in 45 minutes. Using a real life example, the course lessons are designed to be applicable and get straight-to-the-point. By the end of this course, students will have learned the entire editing workflow, and have a polished, edited video ready to post! What This Course Covers How to use the Adobe Premiere Pro InterfaceHow to import and cut footage How to optimally organize your files How to smooth your edits with transitionsHow to edit audio so it sounds clean and cohesiveHow to add music to elevate your film Editing rhythm and pacing How to add titles to your videoHow to export your edited videoBonus tricks, such as adding titles, stabilizing shaky footage, and the Ken Burns Effect Course Deliverable An edited, polished video ready to post!
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse1508122
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Làm hiệu ứng video với After Effects
Design, Design Tools
SKU: linksharecourse5243536
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Kỹ xảo hình ảnh là một trong những yếu tố quan trọng trong sản xuất video, giúp video trở nên sống động và thu hút hơn. Sử dụng kỹ xảo đang trở thành xu hướng quảng cáo mới, giúp nâng cao giá trị thương hiệu, đem lại nhiều lợi nhuận hơn.Vậy làm sao để có một sản phẩm sử dụng kỹ xảo chuyên nghiệp, bắt mắt ? Tất cả sẽ được giải đáp trong khóa học "Làm hiệu ứng video với After Effects". Khóa học sẽ trang bị cho học viên những kiến thức cơ bản về kỹ xảo đa phương tiện và cách tạo các kỹ xảo hình ảnh bằng phần mềm ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS. Bạn sẽ hiểu rõ quy trình làm việc của phần mềm Adobe After Effects, biết cách áp dụng các kỹ xảo điện ảnh chuyên nghiệp bằng phần mềm Adobe After Effects để tạo kỹ xảo theo yêu cầu. Đặc biệt người sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn trong khóa học này là thầy Tú Thanh - đã có nhiều năm kinh nghiệm đào tạo trong lĩnh vực truyền thông media tại nhiều trường đại học cũng như đang là đối tác của các thương hiệu như: Sony, Asus, Topica, Gitiho.Đồng thời cũng là Founder của Tú Thanh Media & Tú Thanh Academy chuyên về sản xuất - đào tạo media.
Design, Design Tools
SKU: linksharecourse5243536
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Honoring Memories: Legacy Videos with Smartphone Videography
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse2651256
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Life Memories are valuable, and fleeting. There is huge value in capturing them the right way on a smartphone.Do you want to ensure the memories of loved ones, friends and family, are preserved for you and future generations the right way? Without spending excessive amounts of time and effort?This online course will teach you how to capture life memories using proven storytelling techniques and approaches.This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of capturing life memories with a smartphone by showing you the art and craft of how to plan, map out and produce them. While there are other courses about smartphone interviewing, it's hard to find a course that gives you a step-by-step insight into capturing stories professionally that really will be a resource now and into the future. This is the course for you, taught by Larry App who has personally made dozens of films of this kind. The principles and methods he teaches in this course can be applied by you today. His approach to the interviewing process is especially noteworthy."I'm glad to share with you from my experience over the years of helping people capture their life stories. After taking this course, you'll appreciate the privilege and the honour of someone trusting you enough to bring you inside their personal life. You'll know that you have done a great thing by helping someone leave a legacy with creativity, authenticity and style. You'll experience the gratitude of the person and their family and their friends. Those who would find particular value in this course would be those who are interested in preserving someone else's story. Also, those who are interested in preserving their own story - and that might be you.Local historians, genealogist teachers, students, writers, retired folks, journalists, family and friends.This course is not for those who are interested in only the technology of capturing life stories, and those who capture life stories professionally and are satisfied with their own style. What you'll get from this course is how to recognise a story, how to use various techniques that can be used to bring a story to life using only a smartphone and a love and appreciation for stories for their own sake. I invite you into this course with a warm welcome. What you will learn here will set you apart from others because you'll learn to capture life stories with creativity, authenticity and style. Looking forward to seeing you inside the course!"- Larry AppOur Promise to YouWe'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message. We want to make this the best course on how to capture amazing life stories, using the best techniques combined with storytelling knowledge. So if there is any way we can improve this course, just tell us and we'll make it happen.Dive Right InThis course dives right into capturing life stories with immediate examples of where they are found and how they can be drawn out. You'll learn what makes great storytelling, so that you can choose how to plan and make impactful films each and every time. You'll learn how to structure, design and deliver interviews that tell powerful and emotionally engaging stories.Learn how to spot and interpret stories.Learn how established interviewing principles and techniques can be used to amplify the impact of your films.Learn how to use freely available (free and paid) apps to improve your life memory capturing.Learn how to use the right workflow so that you save time, money and energy.Learn how to use your craft online.Start capturing amazing life stories today!With our 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and we'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Larry App & Paul Jenkins
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse2651256
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

Adobe Premiere Pro Advanced Video Editing Course
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse5382116
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Welcome to the Adobe Premiere Pro Advanced Video Editing course! In this comprehensive and hands-on course, you will dive deeper into the powerful features and tools of Adobe Premiere Pro, one of the industry-leading video editing software.Whether you're a beginner looking to enhance your editing skills or an experienced editor seeking to expand your proficiency, this course is designed to take your video editing capabilities to the next level. Through a combination of theoretical explanations, practical demonstrations, and engaging exercises, you'll gain the expertise needed to create professional-quality videos with finesse and efficiency.Key Learning Objectives:Mastering Advanced Editing Techniques: Explore advanced editing techniques, including multi-camera editing, color correction, advanced audio editing, time remapping, and more. Learn how to create smooth transitions, apply complex effects, and enhance the visual appeal of your videos.Advanced Video Effects and Motion Graphics: Discover how to use Adobe Premiere Pro to create stunning visual effects, motion graphics, and titles. Learn advanced techniques for keyframing, masking, tracking, and compositing to add professional-level visual elements to your videos.Advanced Audio Editing and Mixing: Delve into the world of audio editing and mixing, and learn how to enhance your videos with high-quality audio. Understand advanced audio manipulation techniques, such as noise reduction, equalization, audio keyframing, and working with multiple audio tracks.Color Correction and Grading: Develop your skills in color correction and color grading to enhance the overall look and mood of your videos. Learn how to balance colors, correct exposure and white balance, and apply creative color grading techniques to achieve the desired visual aesthetics.Advanced Exporting and Delivery: Explore various export settings and formats to optimize your videos for different platforms and devices. Learn how to create custom export presets, work with multiple sequences, and efficiently deliver your final projects.By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and confidence to tackle complex video editing projects with Adobe Premiere Pro. You'll be able to implement advanced editing techniques, add impressive visual effects and graphics, fine-tune audio elements, and create visually stunning videos that captivate your audience.So, if you're ready to take your video editing skills to new heights, enroll now and join us on this exciting journey of mastering Adobe Premiere Pro Advanced Video Editing!
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse5382116
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

CapCut: desenvolva vídeos fantásticos
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse5315698
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Utilizaremos o aplicativo CapCut, ele foi desenvolvido pela ByteDance, empresa responsável também pelo famoso TikTok, o CapCut é um programa de edição de vídeo gratuito que disponibiliza uma gama de recursos.Efeitos de rostoEfeitos de corpoEfeitos de vídeoTransiçõesStickersAjustes em brilho, contraste, etc...Recursos como: música, sons, ruídos.Animação no vídeoAnimação no textoLocuçãoModificação de vozesTransformar legenda em falaTransformar fala em legendaEfeitos de ambienteFazer clones de pessoas e ou objetosmudar os cenários aplicar os formatos de acordo com a rede social desejadaE muito mais...No mundo cada vez mais digital, é de grande importância saber lhe dar com a tecnologia que tem rápida evolução a cada dia. Nos dias atuais tudo é exposto em vídeos e ou imagens em redes sociais, no passado você teria que pagar por um programa de computador para poder realizar este tipo de tarefa. Hoje temos este aplicativo gratuito que te proporciona muita facilidade em editar seus vídeos e o melhor na palma da sua mão. Neste curso você vai aprender a utilizar todas as ferramentas existentes no aplicativo CapCut, faremos vários projetos para você solidificar o conhecimento e poder colocar sua imaginação em seus projetos.
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse5315698
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning

How to Make Videos and Start a YouTube Channel
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse1419126
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Do you want to be able to make great videos? Are you a person who has never made a video or has filmed stuff but never been able to do anything with it? In this course I will give you the recipe on how to make great videos from point A - Z. No prior film or editing experience is required. I run a successful media company making professional videos for all kinds of clients. I started with no knowledge of how to work a camera and worked my way to a professional level of film making. In this course I will give you all the shortcuts and secrets to fast track your learning and make it as easy as possible for you to tell the stories you wish to document through video. There is no need to go out and buy an expensive camera or spend money on new editing software. The learning from this course will give you the skills to make compelling videos using the simplest equipment available including the camera on your phone if that is what you choose. From this course you will learn all the basics behind making videos, vlogging, creating a YouTube page, choosing a camera, learning how to edit, and having a simple recipe to follow to make great content anytime you hit the record button on your camera. Whether your wanting to vlog to make money or just learn how to document your activities better this course is for you. After taking this course you will: Have your own YouTube channel (private or public) Know which cameras, lenses, and other equipment you will need to make videos and vlogs Have a simple recipe outline to make great content that is easy to capture and edit Be able to use different editing software to create great videosHave the skills to make money filming things your passionate about Build YouTube subscribers Learn how to edit videos from the most basic edits to complex techniques
Photography & Video, Video Design
SKU: linksharecourse1419126
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
Online Learning