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Figma for Web Design: Master UI/UX in Figma A-Z Course
Figma for Web Design: Master UI/UX in Figma A-Z Course

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse4369544

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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This course will teach you everything you need to know about modern web design and we're going to use Figma, one of the best design programs. Here are some of the things that you'll learn: The course is beginner friendly - we'll take it step by step and learn through fun exercises!UI & UX - all the essential principles you have to knowResponsive design: transform the desktop version to the mobile versionHow to prepare the design for coding: make coders & clients happyDesign principles that can be applied on any projectFind out what clients want from you - what assets/deliverables and in what formatAbout Chris BarinI'm a professional web & app designer and I've been designing websites for over 10 years. I've freelanced, I've run my own design company, and I'm an entrepreneur in the e-commerce space. I know what clients want and I'll share all my experience with you!Why take this course?You'll work on real world projects that are actually live and they have visitors & clients;Discover the best tips & tricks that will take you from beginner to advanced user in a very short time;Explore case studies where I explain in detail the most common mistakes;Get access to a Discord group filled with people that love web design - this is a free chat room where you can often find me;Web design has changed my life in an incredible way - it helped me move out of my parents house, it gave me a wonderful career as a freelancer, I created a design company, but more than anything it made me confident. This is a life skill that you can depend on. I know that no matter what happens in my life, I can create value through my own two hands by designing beautiful websites. I know everything will be OK because of that. At the end of this course, I hope you'll be as confident as I am. Let's get to work!

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse4369544

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

The Ultimate Web Design Course: Beginner to Advanced
The Ultimate Web Design Course: Beginner to Advanced

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse3670020

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Students will learn web design from beginner to advanced in the latest web designing tools and technology.They will learn in the following:=>Latest html version: HTML5=>Latest css version: CSS3=>Latest Bootstrap Version: Bootstrap4 =>Latest Responsive Technology =>Updated JS=>Making HTML Template with Real Projects=>Real Projects by Bootstrap Latest Version=>Responsive Design by Media Query and Less Framework Technology and Others Popular Grid System.=>Responsive Mobile Phone Layout with all Small and Big Size Screen Optimization.In the above tools and technology students will learn properly with the passion of creating modern tends of web design. There will express the most effectiveness and strong creativity of my students for best web design in the fields of the Business Websites, Corporate Websites or E-commerce Websites, Professional Websites, Academic Websites, Social Networking Media Websites, Blogging Websites, Technological Websites, Counseling Websites, Medical-clinic or Hospital Websites, Educational Websites, News Websites, Informational Websites, Wiki Websites, Magazines Websites, Media Websites, Portfolio Websites, Web Portal Websites, Community or Forum Websites, Infopreneur Websites, Brochure Websites, Non-profit Websites, Free on line tools Websites, Freelancing or Outsourcing Websites and many more.All the websites has some common structure but different content model. I will tech all of my students the common structure and all the difference model conception and analysis about those websites. Above all my students able to make modern, real world websites for building up a profession as a web designer.

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse3670020

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Web Development Building Websites Web Design HTML and CSS
Web Development Building Websites Web Design HTML and CSS

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse963408

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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HTML and CSS are the core building blocks of the internet and make up what you see online everyday. This course is designed to introduce you to modern web design with a focus on real world everyday web development skills. Let us show you where to start and how to create websites. This course has the answers to anyone who wants to learn to make websites, with a practical real world approach to teaching website development. Just knowing syntax alone is not enough, you need to know how to put it all together. People are always asking me what do I need to know to create websites, and this course contains everything you need. Step by step training demonstrating most commonly used syntax. Out approach is different, learn to think like a web developer. Web development broken down into not only HTML syntax but how to think about your HTML as you create it, to better prepare for styling. Saves you time so that you can create you HTML and then move on to CSS making the website come to life. CSS is were you can let your creativity flow, transform your HTML code into a beautiful website. Learn how to use CSS in a modern approach, learning which properties are most commonly used and why. Learn how to make your website responsive, adding different breakpoints to ensure your website is accessibility and consumable from any size device. Full HD quality videosHTML and CSS top resourcesWeb development linksStep by step instructionProfessional training from an instructor with over 18 years experienceModern web design and modern approach to web developmentSource Files are included I'm here to help you learn about web development, and ready to answer any questions you may have. You will be amazed are at how easy it can be to learn HTML and CSS. Start creating website today!

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse963408

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Web Design for Beginners: Build Websites in HTML & CSS 2023
Web Design for Beginners: Build Websites in HTML & CSS 2023

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse4343040

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Do you want to get started with web design, front-end development, or web development in general? If the answer is yes then you are in for a treat. In this course, you are going to learn everything you need to know about HTML and CSS which are basically the starting point of your career as a web developer. So why choose this course? why not any other course? Because I have made sure that every part of the course is informative, fun, and practical. I explained everything with detail and ease and also inside the course you will be provided and supported with PowerPoint slides, code examples, articles, exercises and so much more!!So to elaborate a bit. I am going to introduce you to some key definitions and terms that are concerned with web development or programming in general like how the internet works, how to work with text editors what are browsers and afterward we are going to proceed to HTML basic elements, syntax, attributes and a simple intro to CSS up to some intermediate areas like lists, tables up to some hardcore areas like forms, classes, and entities. and then we will get to CSS. this course was not intended to have full CSS content, but when I started creating the course, I realized how CSS can be really beneficial with HTML. So I did an entire course on CSS just for you. I started with a revision and intro to the basic stuff, up to margins and paddings, text and fonts and I did a training up to advanced parts like position and float. So if you don't want to miss out on this journey, go ahead and get the course now and I promise you will have a fantastic, engaging, and enjoyable experience learning with me. See you inside

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse4343040

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Modern Web Design HTML5 CSS3 beginners guide to Websites
Modern Web Design HTML5 CSS3 beginners guide to Websites

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse831866

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Modern Website Design and Development in a concise straight to the point format. Learn the basics of creating a website from scratch using HTML5 and CSS3. All of the core concepts and how to structure your HTML code will be covered within this course. Learn how to properly structure and develop web designs to produce custom original web sites from scratch! HTML and CSS are cornerstones to modern web design. Knowing how to structure your HTML page properly will make adding styling much easier. CSS allows you to transform your website and present the HTML code in many new and creative ways. If you are new to HTML and CSS, you will be amazed at how easy it is to create incredible websites. With just a few lines of code, you can accomplish so much. Taught by an instructor with over 15 years of real world web development experience. This course has everything you need to learn how to create your own websites with HTML and CSS Fast paced get to the point training, to learn about creating websites from scratch. This course will cover terminology, concepts and techniques with a focus on the most commonly used core piece, so that you can get started quickly. No wasted time going deep into code that you may never use. By the end of the course you will have the skills and know how to apply CSS to HTML to make a real website. I am here to help you learn how to create your own websites and ready to answer any questions you may have. HTML and CSS are in demand skills, and learning how to design web content will help to separate you from the crowd. Want to know more, what are you waiting for take the first step. Join now to start learning how you too can create your own custom website today.

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse831866

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Elementor Web Design Make Responsive Wordpress Websites
Elementor Web Design Make Responsive Wordpress Websites

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse3922618

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Hello, my name is Nikolai and I am Web Design teacher and practitioner.Here in this course I'll be teaching you about Elementor and how to use it to make awesome looking websites easy, without needing to write any HTML or CSS.We'll be using a free theme and the free version of Elementor to create an awesome portfolio website.Elementor is a very powerful frontend tool to make websites and learning how to use it can be very beneficial.With Elementor you'll be able to make all sorts of different custom designs by just drag and dropping elements and customizing them.Elementor also has a huge variety of templates that can help you speed up the process of building websites.The website that we'll be making will be a simple portfolio website with 3 pages.I'll be teaching you how to make a beautiful homepage and also we'll be making contact me and about me page.I'll show you how to make awesome looking buttons and beautiful sections with shape dividers that makes them stand out.This course is perfect for complete Web Design beginners and if you wanna get in to Web Design, this course is perfect for you.We'll start the course from a brand new installation of Wordpress with nothing on it and we'll be making the needed pages and study about the very basics of how Elementor works.The design that we'll be making will be a very simple and minimalistic design that is perfect for beginners.

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse3922618

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Web Design: Learn Complete HTML5 & CSS3
Web Design: Learn Complete HTML5 & CSS3

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse4258076

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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HTML & CSS are the base of web development. You can build your career in web development by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need any degree for this.This HTML & CSS complete course does not assume any prior experience.This HTML & CSS complete course has practice code files, and image files that will help you to learn so you can follow along with me.You will work efficiently and create web designs professionally.By the end of this course, you will learn to create your own website.This course will cover everything you need to do it.All about the HTML & CSS Complete Course?I'm a web designer, developer, digital artist, animator, trainer, and instructor. I will take you step by step through the process.This is a complete HTML and CSS course. It is for beginners, and kids and definitely, you will enjoy creating new things.In this course, you will learn how to create a beautiful responsive website using only HTML and CSS step by step from scratch.In this course, you will familiarize yourself with HTML & CSS by knowing the basics of web designing.You will understand the difference between responsive websites and non-responsive websites.You will learn how to make professional and responsive websites.You will learn everything you need to know about HTML5 & CSS3 and also know how to apply CSS in HTML documents.At the end of this course, you will know everything about HTML & CSS.You become an HTML and CSS master and are able to build the most beautiful websites in a professional way.If you have any questions or queries related to this course, feel free to ask and post questions directly.

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse4258076

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

PACOTE completo design grafico web design e video - 6 Cursos
PACOTE completo design grafico web design e video - 6 Cursos

Design, Design Tools

SKU: linksharecourse4813494

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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O curso começa do zero e você não precisa ter nenhum conhecimento prévio, você vai fazer tudo passo a passo junto comigo, além de conseguir fazer o curso inteiro sem precisar gastar nada, tudo que é utilizado no curso é gratuito.Todos os módulos do curso são desenvolvidos em vídeos interativos onde o aluno vai poder realizar todo o processo de aprendizagem sem intermediários. O objetivo deste curso é deixar o aluno apto a se tornar um profissional do design.O Web Design é uma área focada no desenvolvimento de interfaces digitais, como layout de sites e aplicativos para a web. Para isso, os web designers criam as páginas usando linguagens de marcação como, por exemplo, o HTML. O design gráfico é todo o trabalho de criação e seleção para a comunicação de ideias. As figuras gráficas vão além de imagens alusivas do real ou de representações do imaginário e desejam construir novos sentidos tanto para o produtor quanto para o cliente.Queremos te ajudar a expandir seus negócios com marketing de redes social, marketing de conteúdo, email marketing e muito mais!A maioria das ferramentas e estratégias que recomendamos e ensinamos no curso são completamente grátis!O QUE VOCÊ RECEBE AO SE INSCREVER NO CURSO?Acesso vitalício ao curso e todas as atualizaçõesSuporte personalizado e respostas às suas perguntasCertificado de conclusão Udemy - que podes incluir no teu currículoGarantia de devolução do dinheiro de 30 dias - se não gostar do curso podes pedir o reembolso de 100%BÔNUS DO CURSO:Acesso a maior plataforma de templates do pais, box do designer.aplicações e dicas para melhorar sua performance digitalPREPARE-SE PARA COLOCAR NA PRÁTICA!Durante todo o curso, você estará aplicando as estratégias no seu próprio negócio!Você aprenderá as técnicas e estratégias perfeitas para cada seção. Logo você verá como essas estratégias são usadas no mundo real com estudos de caso. Finalmente, você vai colocar na prática e ver resultados reais!Este não é apenas mais um simples curso de design que te ensinará a copiar e colar coisas, ou recriar coisas sem sentido. É um curso que, sobretudo, foi pensado e desenvolvido para estimular você a desenvolver a técnica aliada a criatividade, que são essenciais a quaisquer trabalhos de composição e design.É um curso que, acima de tudo, foi pensado e desenvolvido para estimular você a desenvolver a técnica e a criatividade que são essenciais para qualquer trabalho de composição e design. Este curso é para todos que desejam criar projetos surpreendentes para seus clientes e acrescentar esta habilidade ao seu currículo. Você aprenderá como construir belos websites, como desenhar logotipos, como criar infográficos e cartazes. Você também aprenderá sobre as mais novas tendências em design gráfico.Agora que você já sabe quão rico e útil é o conteúdo desse curso, te aguardo em nossas aulas, para que possamos dar novos passos na jornada do design profissional.Um forte abraço e te encontro nas aulas!---O que nossos alunos falam a respeito:★★★★★Julio CesarAprender fazer manipulações de imagens, Tratamento de imagens para Rede Sociais, Sites e Blogs, Criação de Logo, Criação de folders, tag's.★★★★★Caio MarquesAdorei o curso e recomendo, a todos que querem se aventurar pela profissão de designer, fotografia, ou até mesmo que adorem ter como hobby, o domínio de manipular e corrigir imagens por conta própria. Os desenvolvedores do curso estão de parabéns!★★★★★Flávia de SouzaO curso é perfeito e muito completo, e saber que posso acessá-lo sempre que necessário torna tudo mais perfeito ainda! Eu concluí e amei demais a experiência e aprendizado!Respostas de nossos alunos neste curso após mais de 30 avaliações:Você está obtendo informações importantes? - Resposta: 100% SimAs explicações dos conceitos são claras? - Resposta: 100% Sim.A apresentação do instrutor é cativante? - Resposta: 100% Sim.O curso está atendendo a suas expectativas? - Resposta: 100% Sim.O instrutor entende do assunto? - Resposta: 100% Sim.O curso contém um conjunto completo para seu aprendizado:Vídeo-aulas.Exercícios e simulações para você praticar.Suporte para tirar as suas dúvidas.Não há risco algum, a plataforma da Udemy oferece:Certificado ao término da formação.Garantia de Qualidade (ou seu dinheiro de volta em até 30 dias após a compra).Acesso vitalício, não expira nunca. Clique no botão COMPRAR AGORA e tenha acesso à 100% do meu curso. Seja muito bem-vindo e conte conosco em sua jornada de aprendizado!

Design, Design Tools

SKU: linksharecourse4813494

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Kurs Web Design i UX - Szybki Start
Kurs Web Design i UX - Szybki Start

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse1543220

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Witaj w kursie Web Design - Szybki Start! Web design jest niezwykle dynamicznie rozwijającą się branżą. Rosnące zainteresowanie projektowaniem stron www idzie w parze z rozwojem technologii, ale i oczekiwań względem web designerów. Dla osób, które dopiero rozpoczynają swoją przygodę z web designem, przygotowaliśmy praktyczne i uporządkowane kompendium wiedzy, które otworzy przed nimi nowe możliwości i pozwoli na rozpoczęcie pracy w tej branży. Na początku zajmiemy się wprowadzeniem Cię w technologie webowe i omówimy pokrótce każdą z nich. Dowiesz się jak zbudowane są strony WWW oraz z jakich elementów się składają. Prowadzący opowie Ci o istotnych obecnie zagadnieniach, takich jak Responsive Web Design czy Mobile First, dzięki którym już na początku swojej pracy z web designem będziesz przygotowany do wyzwań, jakie stoją przed współczesnymi projektantami. Opowiemy Ci o wszystkim, co musisz wiedzieć, by tworzyć nowoczesne strony oraz aplikacje zgodne zarówno ze standardami, jak i pasujące do oczekiwań klientów i użytkowników strony. Przejdziemy płynnie do podstaw języków programowania HTML i CSS, dzięki czemu po poznaniu praktycznych przykładów i ich zastosowań będziesz gotowy do wprowadzenia podstaw kodowania do Twoich projektów. Następnie wspólnie pod okiem prowadzącego wykonamy praktyczny projekt funkcjonalnej strony WWW od A do Z. Na zakończenie kursu poznasz informacje na temat konfiguracji środowiska i edytora kodu, które znacznie usprawnią Twoją codzienną pracę, a także przedstawimy Ci wiele przydanych, dodatkowych narzędzi, dzięki którym znacznie łatwiej i bardziej intuicyjnie będziesz odnajdować się w nowej branży. To wszystko oraz o wiele więcej czeka na Ciebie w kursie Web Design - Szybki Start! Kurs przygotowany został z myślą o osobach, które nigdy przedtem nie miały do czynienia z projektowaniem stron WWW i chcą zapoznać się z podstawami web designu na praktycznych przykładach. Ponieważ web design jest zagadnieniem niezwykle rozbudowanym, bardzo ważne jest to, by już od samego początku wyrobić w sobie prawidłowe nawyki, poznać najważniejsze narzędzia oraz nie ominąć żadnych podstawowych informacji, które następnie mogłyby zablokować nas na bardziej zaawansowanym poziomie nauki. Dlatego duży nacisk położony został na przejście przez każdy etap tworzenia strony www od A do Z - a praca nad tym projektem okaże się znacznie prostsza i przyjemniejsza, niż możesz się spodziewać! Autorem kursu jest Grzegorz Róg.Do tego kursu nie udzielamy wsparcia w ramach serwisu Udemy.

Design, Web Design

SKU: linksharecourse1543220

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Mastering Photoshop For Web Design
Mastering Photoshop For Web Design

Design, Design Tools

SKU: linksharecourse138970

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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In this course we will learn many topics of Adobe Photoshop for web design , we start step by step from adjust work space to make complete web site interface and slice it for programmer , all these and more you will learn it in 5 chapters: Chapter 1: Basics Learn Basics create new files, open files some basic tools and selection. Chapter 2: Use Tools Learn more complex tools and make banner for website , design icons , control colors. Chapter 3: Photos Control Work with photos , adjustment color and light and add effects and filters. Chapter 4: Make Website interface In this chapter you will start make you interface for website , slice it , save it in correct way. Chapter 5: Projects In this chapter you will learn how to make some projects like business card , logo, Header page. Start Creating Websites using Photoshop Now!!!

Design, Design Tools

SKU: linksharecourse138970

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0