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Biblical Based Spiritual Life Coaching and Meditation
Biblical Based Spiritual Life Coaching and Meditation

Personal Development, Religion & Spirituality

SKU: linksharecourse3511386

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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The practical questions regarding a personal relationship with Jesus, knowing God's plans for your life and how to use your profession as a conduit for the Kingdom of God. Christian professionals and Church Leaders today face a much more complex world of questions post-pandemic as our cultures experience dramatic changes to social, educational and professional lifestyle. How do you respond to and empower the young professionals to know and follow God's plans for their lives? Can you hear God's voice and know Him personally? How do you read, study and understand the Bible in a daily application to your Life. The need for biblical Based Spiritual Meditation and Bible Engagement has always been a huge challenge among Christian Professionals who desire have a personal walk with Jesus and a daily Bible experience to help them gain an understanding of the kingdom of God through their profession.Others just want to have a biblical perspective of Spirituality in their daily journey of growth and how to Meditate while having the freedom to pursue Professional Carrier.This practical Biblical Meditation experience will quickly become you go to tool for daily reflection, personal encouragement and Life empowerment.And if you are just curious about what the Bible has to say about challenges and shames-based experience, the stories of Jesus and the experience of those he talked with will become a source of personal Inspiration.join me on this Life adventure Now.sign up and get ready to be blown away.Aloha and Shalom

Personal Development, Religion & Spirituality

SKU: linksharecourse3511386

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Mindfulness Meditation for balanced Life (In Marathi)
Mindfulness Meditation for balanced Life (In Marathi)

Personal Development, Stress Management

SKU: linksharecourse3321462

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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सजगता ध्यानाच्या या वर्गात आपले स्वागत आहे. सजग व्हायचे, म्हणजे आपले लक्ष वर्तमानात आणायचे आणि त्या क्षणी बाह्यविश्वात आणि अंतर्विश्वात काय होते आहे ते जाणायचे. ध्यानाचे मुख्य चार प्रकार खालील प्रमाणे आहेत.. आपण पुढील काही दिवसात या ध्यानाचा अभ्यास करणार आहोत.१. एकाग्रता ध्यान (Focused Attention Technique)२. सजगता ध्यान (Open Attention Technique)३. कल्पना दर्शन ध्यान (Visualization Technique)४. करूना ध्यान (Compassion Meditation)प्रत्येक अभ्यास हा ऑडिओ क्लिप मध्ये उपलब्ध आहे. एकदा ऑडिओ एकूण अभ्यास केल्यानंतर , रोज त्या प्रकारचे ध्यान किमान दहा मिनिट करायचे आहे.कोर्स सुरू करण्यापूर्वी आणि नंतर आपण लक्षात ठेवण्याची आवश्यकता असलेल्या काही गोष्टी खाली दिल्या आहेत. त्या लक्ष्यात ठेवाव्यात.१. हा कोर्स पूर्ण केल्यानंतर देखील आपल्याला ध्यानाचा सराव सुरू ठेवावा लागेल. अन्यथा आपली विचारांची आणि भावनांवरील प्रतिक्रिया पूर्वीसारखीच असेल.२. घाईत प्रत्येक ध्यानाचा सराव पूर्ण करू नका, हळू हळू एकामागून एक ध्यान प्रकाराचा सराव करा.३. सुरूवातीस आपल्याला हा सराव कंटाळवाणा वाटेल परंतु विश्वास ठेवा. हळू हळू जेव्हा आपण तंत्र शिकता तेव्हा चित्र स्पष्ट होईल.४. माइंडफुलनेस मेडिटेशनचा चा अर्थ असा नाही की आपल्याला प्रत्येक वेळी विश्रांती, शांतता किंवा आनंद मिळेल. ध्यान करण्यामध्ये अनेक प्रकारच्या भावनांचा समावेश असतो, केवळ छानच नव्हे तर नकारात्मक भावना देखील आपल्याला अनुभवायला येतात. त्यांच्याकडे सजगतेने पाहायला शिकायचे आहे.५. काहीवेळा असे होऊ शकते की ध्यान करताना मनात अप्रिय भावना उद्भवू शकतात आणि आपण त्यांचा सामना करण्यास अक्षम ठरू शकतो , अशावेळी आपण अयशस्वी झाल्याची भावना न बाळगता ध्यान हळूवारपणे थांबवा. दिवसेंदिवस जेव्हा त्या अप्रिय संवेदनांवरील आपली प्रतिक्रिया कमी होईल, तस काही काळानंतर ती भावना यापुढे तुमचे नुकसान करणार नाही. (ती भावना तुमच्या मनात असू शकते परंतु त्यांची शक्ती कमी असेल)६. माइंडफुलनेस ही कुठली जादू नाही जी आपल्या सर्व समस्यांचे निराकरण करते. हे एक कौशल्य आहे जे आपल्याला नेहमी जागरूक राहण्यास शिकवते. या जागृकते मुळे अपल्याला आपल्या भावना आणि विचार चांगल्या प्रकारे समजू शकतात. म्हणून आपण त्यांना स्वीकारू शकू आणि जीवन जगण्याचा एक स्वस्थ दृष्टीकोन तयार करू शकू.७. जेव्हा शरीर आणि मन शांतता स्थितीत असते, तेव्हा मेंदू तणाव संप्रेरक सोडणे थांबवतो. ज्या लोकांनी ध्यानधारणा केली ते तणाव अधिक प्रभावीपणे व्यवस्थापित करू शकतात..८. आपण आधीपासून एखाद्या समुपदेशक किंवा डॉक्टरांच्या देखरेखीखाली असल्यास कृपया त्यांना कळवा की आपण या कोर्समधून जात आहात, जेणेकरून कोणतीही समस्या उद्भवल्यास ते आपल्याला मदत करू शकतात.Sometimes life gives us roller coaster rides. We can't control what will happen with us, but we can change our perspective towards things. Mindfulness is a skill which teaches you to build a healthier perspective and live balanced life.If you are having more than two problems from this checklist then this course is for you!Do You...-have trouble for being in the present moment, always there are useless thoughts of past or future in your mind?-struggle to forget humiliation, bad words and creepy memories?-have a problem in dealing with life's up and downs and want to balance work and family?-wanted to know, how I can be happy and live a balanced life with satisfaction?-struggle to deal with the negative emotions like anger, hate, Guilt, Fear, envy....?Following are advantages of Mindfulness Meditation.-It Reduce mental health challenges.-It Improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia.-It Balance and regulate emotions.-It Reduce the experience of pain.-It Improves communication and relationships.-It Improve one's capacity for focus and attention. What will you learn?-How to be in the present moment and learn to boost your joy and satisfaction at the moment and learn to deal with your thoughts and emotions.-How to direct your thoughts in a positive way and learn to accept negative emotions and thoughts in a mindful way.-How to increase kindness, appreciation, compassion and other similar qualities for living a happy and meaningful life.

Personal Development, Stress Management

SKU: linksharecourse3321462

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Zen and Mindfulness Meditation
Zen and Mindfulness Meditation

Health & Fitness, Meditation

SKU: linksharecourse4905972

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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This course is designed for everyone, whether you are looking into meditation for the first time, or you want to deepen your meditative practice. I am a marriage and family therapist, MA AMFT, who practices through a trauma lens, and I believe in a completely holistic approach to healing. This course will teach you how trauma impacts the brain and nervous system and give you a broad overview of different kinds of meditations so that you can explore other types of meditation with ease! I will teach you 6 misconceptions about meditation, 6 types of meditation, as well as proper breathing and posture for meditation. As a bonus, you will receive three PDFs to help guide you once the course has been completed, one of which is a mindfulness exercise to help lower anxiety. You will also be able to download the 15-minute guided Zen and mindfulness meditation so that you can take it with you and meditate any time, wherever you are. My goal is to give you the knowledge and confidence needed to begin or expand your meditation journey. You will meet many teachers along your spiritual path, and I am thrilled to be with you on this journey.

Health & Fitness, Meditation

SKU: linksharecourse4905972

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Im Hier und JETZT mit Yoga und der 5-Minuten Meditation
Im Hier und JETZT mit Yoga und der 5-Minuten Meditation

Personal Development, Happiness

SKU: linksharecourse3929574

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Deine Zeit ist JETZT! Lebe im Hier und Jetzt, denn das Glück liegt im Augenblick!Yoga ist neben Körperübungen eine jahrtausende alte Philosophie aus Indien. Dabei ist neben dem Weg zum Glück und der Selbsterkenntnis, das Verständnis des Phänomens 'Zeit' oder das Leben im JETZT das Kernelement der Yoga Philosophie. Dieser Kurs gibt Dir einen Einblick in das Zeitverständnis, welcher in den Grundlagenwerken der Yoga Philosophie erklärt wird. In diesem Kurs lernst Du die Grundlagen der Yoga Philosophie und Methoden zur Anwendung, um intensiv im Augenblick zu leben was soviel bedeutet wie glücklich zu leben.Der Kurs im Überblick: Im ersten Teil lernst Du aktiv in kurzen 2-Minuten Übungen den Augenblick oder das JETZT wahrzunehmen. Yoga kann man nicht durch ein theoretisches Verständnis lernen, sondern durch Erfahrung und Praxis. Die Übungen sind verschiedene Methoden aus dem Yoga, wie Atemübungen, Singen, Meditation. Im zweiten Teil lernt die Gegenwart kennen, in dem Du mitmachst in unterschiedlich, langen Yogaeinheiten mit Atemübung, Körperübung, 5-Minuten Meditation und Entspannung. Für eine intensive Tiefenentspannung gibt es dabei auch Yogaeinheiten mit Querflöte improvisiert. Es sind 60 Minuten, 30 Minuten und 15 Minuten Einheiten aus dem Ashtanga Yoga verfügbar. Im nächsten Teil des Kurses werden die theoretischen Grundlagen zur Bedeutung des 'JETZT' erklärt. Du lernst die Herkunft der Yoga Philosophie kennen und eine Zusammenfassung der Yoga Sutras, dem Yoga Leitfaden. Im letzten Kapitel hast Du nochmal verschieden, lange Yogaeinheiten mit Atemübung, Körperübung, 5-Minuten Meditation und Entspannung zum Mitmachen.

Personal Development, Happiness

SKU: linksharecourse3929574

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Art of Deep Meditation -Quick Guide to Mindfulness practice
Art of Deep Meditation -Quick Guide to Mindfulness practice

Personal Development, Personal Transformation

SKU: linksharecourse2136438

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Hello, My dearest students and meditation enthusiasts. At the onset, I would like to offer you a short introduction about myself. My name is Pallabi Bhagawati. I am a spiritualist and a life coach from India. I am here to share my experience and knowledge with all of you with great honor. So, folks, LET'S MEDITATE. Meditation is the very breath of life. The word meditation in India, as pet Vedas and Upanisads, is signified by "DHYNA" meaning concentration and contemplation. DHYNA is a pathway of shifting one's awareness from one state to another. There are various techniques and principles have been established to define meditation in more modern and scientific manner. As far as the modern meditation is concerned, basic principles could be summed up as Focused Awareness and Free Awareness. I will elaborate everything in details during the entire course. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN On successful completion of the course "Art of Deep Meditation" you will learn,Golden rules of deep meditationLearn to achieve deeper form of meditation - techniques and tipsOvercome obstacles in attainment of deep meditationWarm up Pranayanma and breathing exercise that helps in attaining focus and deep meditation Tips on maintenance of consistency in the meditation practiceLearn about focused and free awareness Student will attain calmness of mind, become stress free and organized Bonus MP3 for practice Lifetime access and access to frequent updates and new additions to the courseCertificate of appreciation upon successful completion WHO THIS COURSE IS FORIf you are a Beginner, intermediate and advanced mediation enthusiast If you are looking for inner awakening, happiness, peace and progress in lifeIf you are a spiritual enthusiast Anyone aged above 15 years and beyond Practically this course is for people who want to bring great changes in life like disciple, peace, progress and prosperity. COURSE CONTENTSThe course is designed in a very simple manner, so that everyone from world community can understand and relate to, irrespective of place and language of origin. I have tried to maintain the relevance and accuracy of the course contents to make my point clear. Below are the summery of contents. Each head will have sub heads with elaborate lectures and supporting learning materials. What is meditation?Overcoming self resistance Golden rules of Deep MeditationsFood for Deep MeditationPreparing to Meditate Basic techniques of Deep Meditations I HAVE ADDED LOTS OF QUIZZES, but not to judge you but to help you to check on your self improvements by yourselves, as you progress in the course. I am available 24X7 for you to clear your doubts and help you out in every possible way within the capacity, to achieve the ultimate goals of the course. I encourage you all to complete the entire course contents, quizzes and assignments once you enroll. " Lokaha Samastha Sukhino Bhabantu" May all living beings in the universe be happy #########################################################################################LATEST REVIEWS "The excellent journey of learning, Thanks for helping me to free from procrastinating. No more excuses, just to be done all task before time. I am proactive, healthy, smarter, happier more helping others for a better lifestyle:) Thanks so much, more love and peace Pallabi Bhagawati" -----------------By Ali Raza Panjwani"Thanks for your course. I meditate every day but it misses some basics rules you talk about, in this video. Thanks"...................By Nicolas Dauffy

Personal Development, Personal Transformation

SKU: linksharecourse2136438

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Drum Meditation
Drum Meditation

Music, Instruments

SKU: linksharecourse2517240

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Drum Meditation is a profound drumming course to get a deeper understanding of the workings of the mind, body and emotions. Drumming is much more than just drumming; it is the way to an inner-peace and happiness. More and more scientific studies show that meditation or drumming positively impacts mental and physical health. They reduce stress; improve sleep; increase focus. By learning the combination of drum and meditation, as you will do in this Drum Meditation training course, you are giving yourself a powerful tool and skill.Drum meditation will help you master the Living in the here and now.Drumming is common within ancient and contemporary spiritual and religious practices. The powerful, monotonous, punctuated sound can relax the tense, energize the tired and soothe the emotionally wounded.

Music, Instruments

SKU: linksharecourse2517240

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

How to Meditate - Beginner's Guide to Meditation
How to Meditate - Beginner's Guide to Meditation

Health & Fitness, Meditation

SKU: linksharecourse1019512

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Have you: Tried to meditate but found it hard to settle down?Wanted to learn meditation but put it off because you've heard it's difficult?Already enjoyed meditation but wish you could go deeper? If you answered yes to any of these, then this online meditation course can help. You've come to the right course! In this course, you will discover how to: Meditate and Gain Inner PeaceExpel the negativity and return it to the earth to be converted into positive energy.Become Aware of the Answers in Yourself.Become more connected with your surroundings, the people around you, the world around you. This course will especially help you focus more creatively. However anyone who wants to improve his or her Meditation Practice To The Next Level can benefit from this course.

Health & Fitness, Meditation

SKU: linksharecourse1019512

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Healing Driving Anxiety with Driving Anxiety Meditations
Healing Driving Anxiety with Driving Anxiety Meditations

Personal Development, Stress Management

SKU: linksharecourse3160576

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Take control of the wheel.Have you ever had intense driving anxiety? Or maybe just the idea of driving gets you nervous because you worry you're not a good driver.You end up avoiding outings and trips when you have to drive. Whether it's because it's at night, to an unfamiliar town, during bad weather, or going through a busy expressway, you avoid it simply because you're afraid.You are not alone! Vehophobia ("Driving Anxiety") is extremely common. In fact, about half of all drivers report having a fear of something going wrong while driving.My Driving Anxiety Meditation program will help you conquer your driving fears, serving as a guide while you keep your hands firmly but surely on the steering wheel.The best way to get over driving anxiety is to drive as often as you can- with support!Shift your confidence back into gear with this course.There are adventures to have. Stuff to do. People to be with. Lives to change! (Most of all: yours!)With the program, you'll receive 6 downloadable mp3s for the road that will…Explain anxiety, why you have it, and what to do.Tell you how to refocus your mind from the negative anxious thoughts to be present and in control.Tether you to reality and feeling a part of life.Stop you from negative self-judgment that makes it all worse.It gives you the best tips to stop deriving anxiety and all other anxieties, too.Instead of feeling trapped and terrified imagine:You have more fun in your life, gain back your freedom, and go wherever you want!

Personal Development, Stress Management

SKU: linksharecourse3160576

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Mindfulness, Meditation, Yoga for stress and anxiety relief
Mindfulness, Meditation, Yoga for stress and anxiety relief

Health & Fitness, Yoga

SKU: linksharecourse5099934

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Hello, dear friends! I am delighted to welcome you to the Mindfulness and Stress Release Course. In this wonderful course, we will explore yoga movements and meditation techniques. This course aims to provide you with the tools to harness the power of your mind and body, ultimately improving your life. By engaging with the course materials, you will:• Boost your immune system• Increase your energy levels• Enhance the quality of your sleep• Alleviate stress and anxiety• Release tension from your body and experience a sense of lightness• Cultivate a brighter and happier lifeThis course is particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with insomnia and anxiety. It is designed for those who seek to elevate their energy levels and experience a lighter body and mind.The course is structured to allow you to familiarize yourself with all the practices and implement them effectively within two weeks. By the end of the course, you will have the autonomy to choose and utilize techniques that resonate with you, reducing anxiety and fostering inner peace and balance in your daily life.Throughout the course, we will utilize various tools to work with the body, breath, and thoughts. Physical practices will strengthen your immune and nervous systems, while increasing your energy levels. Through yoga exercises and mobility work, you will enhance your body's flexibility, reduce bodily tension, and alleviate the effects of accumulated stress.Meditation will serve as a powerful tool to eliminate anxiety and negative thoughts, promoting a sense of calm and balance. By diving deeper into ourselves through meditation, we can discover boundless love and peace within.Remember, there is no perfect time to start this journey. The ideal time is now.

Health & Fitness, Yoga

SKU: linksharecourse5099934

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

Mindful Pregnancy Meditation Course
Mindful Pregnancy Meditation Course

Health & Fitness, Meditation

SKU: linksharecourse4196502

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0

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Embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection with your growing baby through this Mindful Pregnancy Meditation course. This comprehensive program is designed to empower parents-to-be with a deep sense of mindfulness, relaxation, and emotional well-being throughout their pregnancy journey.Guided by seasoned meditation instructor and prenatal yoga expert Alice Rawsthorne, this course offers a holistic approach to pregnancy that combines ancient mindfulness practices with modern scientific insights. You will learn how to cultivate a serene and nurturing environment for both you and your baby, fostering a harmonious and balanced experience.Throughout this course, you will:1. Develop Mindfulness Skills: Discover meditation techniques tailored to pregnancy, helping you stay present, manage stress, and connect with your changing body and emotions.2. Strengthen Bonding: Learn techniques to establish a profound connection with your baby, fostering a sense of unity and love even before birth.3. Enhance Relaxation: Practice deep relaxation exercises to promote better sleep, reduce anxiety, and enhance overall well-being.4. Create Positive Affirmations: Craft personalized affirmations that empower and uplift you, promoting a positive mindset during pregnancy and beyond.5. Nurture Self-Care: Explore self-care rituals that cater to your unique needs, helping you prioritize your own well-being while preparing for parenthood.Whether you're a first-time parent or have experienced pregnancy before, this Mindful Pregnancy Meditation course offers invaluable tools to enhance your pregnancy journey. Embrace the opportunity to cultivate mindfulness, deepen your connection with your baby, and prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the experience of childbirth and parenthood. Join us on this beautiful path to a mindful and joyful pregnancy.This course includes:- An introduction to meditation during pregnancy- Breath connection meditation- Mindful body scan meditation- Noting meditation for when thoughts and feelings arise- Gratitude meditation- Journey through the Senses meditation- Mantra meditation- How to choose your own personal mantra to continue your meditation practice beyond this courseEach of the sessions are less than 10 minutes long, so you can easily fit them into your day. There are also bonus meditation background tracks at the end of the course so that you can guide yourself through a meditation once you've learned some of the techniques!Taking time out of your day just for you to be guided through the meditations in this course for just a few minutes a day can help to create more feelings of calm and connection to yourself. You are worthy of this Me Time - enjoy it! If you have any questions about the course, take a look at the preview videos and feel free to get in touch with any questions! I am here to support you throughout your meditation and pregnancy journey.

Health & Fitness, Meditation

SKU: linksharecourse4196502

Seller: Udemy APAC

Estimated Price: 0