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Hatha Yoga - Traditional Indian Hatha Yoga
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse4710502
Seller: Udemy APAC
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The most comprehensive traditional Indian Hatha Yoga Video-Workshop for Beginners to Advanced. Learn from a real Hatha Yoga teacher from India. Vijaya has been practicing for over 30 years and teaching Hatha Yoga for 20 years. You will be able to create your own complete Hatha Yoga Session to suit your needs. Ready-made templates for sequences provided. Completely transform your life, thoughts and emotions by learning to apply Yogic Philosophy into every moment of every day. With Hatha Yoga Nidra you be able to reach deeper layers of consciousness. With the sound files you be able to go deep in the psychic sleep. In over 100 Videos Vijaya provides you with a complete Hatha Yoga-Course.Learn from the real Hatha Yoga teacher Vijaya from India. Vijaya carries the power of her previous generations where relatives have been taught and guided by famous guru's over many many decades. Swami Satyananda, Swami Vivekananda and the International जब Meditation Institute are just some of her notable influences. Other confidential clients within Bollywood, Hollywood and the Indian Royal Family have experienced Vijaya's authentic guidance. She carries this knowledge in her blood.The Course and all the Modules are created to suit beginners to advanced practitioners. Start now the most comprehensiveTraditional Indian Hatha Yoga Video-Workshop!
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse4710502
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Yoga Teacher Training - Part 1 (200hr Yoga Alliance)
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse4941512
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Welcome to our 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course! (Certification by Yoga Alliance) from the birthplace of yoga - Rishikesh, India.Raj Yoga Rishikesh`s 200 Hours Yoga TTC course provides you with a complete yogic Education with spiritual tradition. The knowledge of Asana with the alignment of the body with ancient yogic breathing techniques and meditation will make it a complete practice with regenerative effects on your life.NOTE: The Course is divided into TWO PARTS and one has to complete both Parts to be eligible for the Certification. Highlights200-hour Online Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingEligible to register with Yoga Alliance upon completionHigh-quality recorded videos, study books, self-practice, and self-studyFlexible duration: can be completed in 1, 3, or 6 months or 1 year Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course includes:Yoga Teacher Training Course ManualHistory & Philosophy of YogaHatha Yoga and its limbs Alignment in yoga posesYoga classes to improve mobility, strength, and flexibilityPranayama and Energy Channels5+ Pranayama Techniques (Breathing Techniques)Anatomy & PhysiologyMeditations technique to experience pure bliss, peace, and relaxation.Mantra Chanting to move withinWho can join this course?Those who want to be an internationally certified teacherIf you are new to yoga (no specific background in yoga is required, being eager to learn is enough)If you have been practicing yoga for a long time but don't have knowledge of anatomy, the foundation of the asanas, and yoga philosophyHow the training worksThe course is self-paced which means students must do self-practice and self-study through videos, and books. All of this including watching videos, reading books, and self-practice will be counted as 200hr. The design of this training is based on the curriculum of Yoga Alliance U.S.A. as well as fulfills the requirement of being a registered Yoga Teacher. At the end of this Online Yoga Teacher Training, you will become a certified Yoga Teacher/Instructor, will be qualified to teach worldwide, and eligible to register with Yoga Alliance to be a certified teacher globally.
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse4941512
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Yoga for top 10 Lifestyle diseases - Daily Must Practice
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse5315198
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Practicing yoga that is most suitable for your direct health issue is the best way to reduce your medication and become healthier.We are providing a comprehensive package where you will get more and more of your yogic practice that can be done at home or office at your time.The topic is chosen by a professional yoga instructor and designed to reduce the burden of lifestyle disease.These are special for obesity, chronic pain management, diabetes, hypertension, cervical and other type of issues of daily life.These practices of yoga can be performed by everyone, beginners, advanced or regular practitioners together.Total 20 Hours of video having 20 topics covered and each topic is having extensive information about the practice and yoga pose that one can perform.अपनी सीधे स्वास्थ्य समस्या के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त योग अभ्यास करना आपके दवाओं को कम करने और स्वस्थ बनने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है। हम एक सम्पूर्ण पैकेज प्रदान कर रहे हैं जहां आपको अपने समय पर घर या कार्यालय में किया जा सकने वाले आपके योगिक अभ्यास का अधिक और अधिक मिलेगा। विषय एक पेशेवर योग अध्यापक द्वारा चुना जाता है और इसका उद्देश्य लाइफस्टाइल रोग के बोझ को कम करना है। ये मोटापा, अविरल दर्द प्रबंधन, मधुमेह, उच्च रक्तचाप, सरवाइकल और दैनिक जीवन के अन्य प्रकार के समस्याओं के लिए विशेष हैं। योग के ये अभ्यास हर किसी के लिए किये जा सकते हैं, चाहे वो नवागत, प्रगति कर रहे हों या नियमित अभ्यासकर्ता हों। कुल 20 घंटे का वीडियो है जिसमें 20 विषयों को कवर किया गया है और प्रत्येक विषय में अभ्यास और योगासन के बारे में व्यापक जानकारी है जो कोई भी कर सकता है।Start Learning from today the best yogic methods and technique that gives you full benefits of yoga for your daily life.
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse5315198
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Yoga For Low Back Pain
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse1100246
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Here's yoga's dirty little secret: yoga has a great reputation for helping with back pain, but most group yoga classes are comprised of movements directly contraindicated for back pain.This course was developed by Justin Sluyter, author of Yoga for Low Back Pain, a former group yoga instructor who found himself debilitated by yoga-induced back pain, and created the Low Back Yogi program based on years of research undertaken by Dr. Stu McGill at his world-renowned Spine Biomechanics Laboratory at the University of Waterloo. This course is intended to provide yoga practitioners with a legitimately science-based approach, offering a path out of chronic back pain.Instead of focusing on arbitrary flexibility, the focus here is on strength, endurance, stability, and appropriate mobility.This course will provision you with all the tools you need to construct your own individualized home-based yoga program, featuring many postures that have been clinically proven to reduce low back pain.The revolutionary Low Back Yogi program features over twenty carefully-chosen and researched postures to choose from. Each lecture contains precise, easy-to-follow instructions and step-by-step demonstrations to help you master each pose.In addition to pain reduction and the calming benefits of a yoga practice, this course will also enhance your athletic performance and help you sculpt a leaner, more powerful physique.All you need to get started is a yoga mat! It can also be helpful to have a Swiss Ball handy for the Stir-the-Pot exercise, and one or two kettlebells or dumbbells for use in the Carries exercise, but these are quite optional.UPDATE 1/22/20: Buying this course on Udemy now gives you access to the latest edition of the ebook, Yoga For Low Back Pain: A Science-Based Approach!Early Access Reviews:I started going to group yoga classes a few years ago to complement my normal routine and help prevent injuries. I am quite happy to have been introduced to Justin's series, as the sequence is far more tailored to my needs. Quite usefully, Justin explains the logic behind the poses chosen, as well as the reasoning behind why you might be better off skipping some of the poses included in typical group classes. I recommend the course to anyone who has dealt with back pain in the past as well as anyone who wants to improve core strength and stability. -Jacob MaysI think he did a great job of presenting the material. He focused on a specific therapy (yoga for the low back) instead of trying to teach all yoga for all body parts to everyone and that was a wonderful thing because it delivered exactly what was promised in the title of the course. The wide shots were beautiful with the landscape in the background. The video camera was also close enough to see details. He seems to CARE about the practitioners too which is nice. He gives reasons why you should do things a certain way and he gives advice as to how to approach the practice and what to do for your back pain when you're not practicing. His goal really seems to be helping people in pain. There were some non traditional moves that were new to me and that says a lot because I'm always studying exercise and constantly searching for variety. I find anyone who can inspire me with something new very refreshing!!! -Sky NicholasThis feels revolutionary. I think with continued practice this could help relieve lower back pain for many people familiar with yoga. It might be a bit difficult for people who are not flexible, but they would most likely gain flexibility by doing these exercises. The instructor is obviously very knowledgeable and yet also has a gentle, encouraging tone. He is a joy to watch and listen to.I don't think this course needs to be changed in any way. It does exactly what it says, and I believe it would provide great results over time for dedicated students who proceed with the caution the instructor recommends. -Patricia SmithI don't know anything about yoga but this helped me and it's one I'll watch again and again and take notes. -Lovely L. Jones
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse1100246
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Transformational Yoga & Meditation Journey
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse3715336
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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On this course, you will develop your yoga practice by experiencing different yoga styles, including yin, Hatha and vinyasa flow.You will learn pranayama techniques to control the breath, strengthen the respiratory system and relax the nervous system. This releases stress and increases harmony within the body.You will learn about your chakras, releasing emotional blockages and strengthening the energy flow so that you can let go of what no longer serves you and step into your personal happiness.You will learn how to connect the body and breathe, taking your Asanas to the next dimension, allowing you to shift your awareness within.You will connect to yourself on a higher level and calm your manic mind through blissful meditation.This course is designed not only to strengthen your practice but to take you through a 3 stage journey;This is perfect for you if you want toRelease - tension, stress, anxiety and self-doubtRestore - confidence, peace and self-loveRegain - strength, flexibility, determination and claim your personal power!By end of this journey, you will have created a deep respect for your mind, body and soul and be able to take these practices through your life. let your body be strong, your mind be free and your heart lead the way.
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse3715336
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Foundations in Yoga Anatomy: 1 Language of Motion, Skeleton
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse2593096
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Yoga + Anatomy & The Body Sciences If you are seeking a deeper understanding of the BODY & the relationship between the body & YOGA you have come to the right place! This course was created for Yoga Teachers, or those going into Yoga Teacher Training, that want to have a solid foundation of knowledge in Anatomy. It is not just anatomy though, this course goes beyond naming the parts, to focus on how the body functions and how that impacts what we do in our practice. This Course is eligible for Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credits through the YACEP dashboard. This is the first 10 hour course, in a multi-part series on Yoga Anatomy. In this first course, you will learn the basic language of anatomy & movement that is necessary for all future learning about the body. You will also learn about the Skeletal System, Bones, Joints & Ligaments, with special attention to how this information is applied to the way you teach yoga. The Segments include: - Why Should Yoga Teachers Study Anatomy?- The 12 Body Systems- Anatomical Terms of Position & Relationship- The 3 Planes of Movement- The Biomechanics of Balance- The Language of Movement- The Components of the Skeletal System- Types of Bones- Classification of Joints- The Axial & Appendicular Skeleton- Surface Anatomy- Common Conditions of the Skeletal System Each topic is explored through an educational lecture that incorporates slides and video. The concepts that were covered in the lecture are then demonstrated in a practice video where you can follow along to feel these concepts in your own body. There are also segments where I use the Complete Anatomy program to give you a 3D image of the bones and joints that we are discussing. Finally, there is a practice video where we find these structures in our own body, through what is called Surface Anatomy. This is a valuable skill when looking at students in yoga poses to assess their alignment and posture. One of the greatest benefits of studying Anatomy online is that you can go back and review the topics as many times as you like. This really helps to absorb the information and to become comfortable with this new language. I created this course because I love teaching Yoga + Anatomy and I want other yoga teachers to have a solid understanding of the body that guides the way they teach. When we feel confident in our knowledge that shines through to our students!I hope you will join me on this journey to creating a generation of confident, well-educated & effective Yoga Teachers!_________________________________________________Questions? reach out to me through Udemy & I will get back to you as soon as possible
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse2593096
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Yoga for Hip Pain and Hip Bursitis
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse4312724
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Are you dealing with hip bursitis or chronic hip pain? Is persistent hip pain slowing you down? Are you just plain tired of it? Then this exclusive 4-week Yoga for Hip Pain and Hip Bursitis program is for YOU.Having lived with painful chronic hip bursitis myself for years, I tried EVERYTHING (seriously, you name it) to make my hip pain better.but it just kept coming back. After certifying as a yoga teacher and specializing in pain management, I conducted extensive research to find the most effective postures, stretches, and exercises to FINALLY fix my hip pain for good. In this program, I'll share with you the exact practices that worked for me and for hundreds of others - and the best part is, they take only a few minutes a day!The secret to solving hip pain forever is to teach the body to work correctly in ALL possible positions (seated, lying down, standing, kneeling, etc.), which is exactly what we're going to do in our yoga classes together. After 4 weeks of this program, your body will instinctively know how to react if pain flares up - and what to do to prevent future pain.This program offers modifications for all levels and is suitable even for complete yoga beginners. Most classes take only 10 minutes a day, providing opportunities for you to fit various practices into your busy life. By the end of the 4 weeks, your hips will feel like new!The program includes the following yoga practices designed specifically for hip pain and hip bursitis:10-minute Supine Yoga Flow10-minute Seated Yoga Flow10-minute Chair Yoga Flow10-minute Kneeling Yoga Flow10-minute Standing Yoga Flow30-minute Deep Stretch Yin Yoga Flow20-minute Ultimate Yoga FlowIn addition, you'll also receive the following:A 4-week calendar that tells you the exact practice schedule to follow (including rest days!)A video on the Top 3 Stretches and Exercises for Hip Pain & Bursitis, and how you can adapt them ANYWHEREBONUS - A special video with Tips for Daily Life when living with hip pain & bursitisBONUS - Advice on future yoga practices and how to take things forwards once the program is done!If hip pain has been holding you back and keeping you from living the life you want and deserve, then you owe it to yourself to join this program. It's an amazing way to gently and effectively stretch and strengthen all the right areas of the body to fix your hip pain.I'll meet you on the mat,Joëlle
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse4312724
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Lifting and Anti-aging Facebuilding Exercises 40+ Face Yoga
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse2951962
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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"Lifting and Anti-aging Facebuilding Exercises 40+" course, for people who already have aging signs and want to get rid of them. This course provides a powerful set of exercises for face lifting, toning and smoothing:• Warming up your neck and facial muscles;• Breathing and shoulders exercises;• Exercises for the forehead;• Exercises for the eyes zone;• Exercises for the central part of the face (nasolabial zone, cheeks and cheekbones);• Exercises for lips, chin and jaw area.This program is applicable to both men and women.
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse2951962
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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55 Key Poses of Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga - Yoga Alliance YACEP
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse3476598
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Join our team of teachers as they guide your through this comprehensive Asana program. It will help you refine, support, and build your yoga practice. Learn how to do ~ and teach ~ each pose, using clear step-by-step instructions, while providing contraindications and making the postures accessible for everyone, with modifications and variations.The 55 Key Poses of Yoga is a great refresher and a fabulous primer. In our high quality video tutorials, our teachers go into each of the postures in great depth, offering:• multiple modifications and variations• muscles involved in the shape• which conditions and injuries might make the pose inappropriate for practiceThis program gives you the knowledge and guidance you need to teach these essential postures with confidence and ease.For Yoga Alliance Yoga Teachers: With your UDEMY certificate, this course can be added to your Yoga Alliance profile. It qualifies for 40 hours of Yoga Alliance Continuing Education credits. Instructions will be provided at the end of the program on how to add these to your profile.All certificates are issued by UDEMY. However, if a student would like to receive a certificate from the school, they can apply for this at the end of the program. There is an administration fee of $35. This is optional and not required.Salla Raine (Brighton, UK)This is a great refresher for Yoga teachers. The tutorials went into wonderful detail, so that I could understand (finally) how to adapt each Asana for a specific body or a specific physical challenge.Kira Marsh (Ontario, Canada)Excellent program that I would recommend for all Yoga Teachers.
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse3476598
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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Meridian Qigong & Yoga Daily Routine with Dr. Yang (YMAA)
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse3069112
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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3 hours 49 minutesA VERY POWERFUL LYING-DOWN QIGONG ROUTINE. Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming will teach you Meridian Qigong, his special daily exercise routine. Follow along and learn how a unique combination of simple yoga stretches and qigong movements can relieve energy stagnation and rejuvenate your entire body.All exercises are performed lying down and many can be done sitting, if preferred. Meridian Qigong will quickly improve your general health, and help you to heal and prevent injuries. With regular practice you will notice that your entire body feels loose and comfortable, your reaction to stress will be calmer, and your circulation will be increased.When your body becomes relaxed deeply and your energy is abundant in the central energy system of the body, your spirit is higher, and your health and immune response is improved.Dr. Yang first explains the general concepts, shows each movement one by one, and then offers a continuous follow along routine you can use once you've learned the movements in detail. This program also offers previously unreleased bonus videos.• Understand the link between yoga and qigong• Supplement your qigong practice with yoga stretches• Perfect for beginners, or practitioners at any age!• Relieve many common ailments, including insomnia• 19 video lessons / 229 mins / 3 hours 49 minutesMeridian Acupressure video lessons taught separately. Many more streaming videos available from the YMAA website.
Health & Fitness, Yoga
SKU: linksharecourse3069112
Seller: Udemy APAC
Estimated Price: 0
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