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Arthritis Profile Blood Test
Arthritis Profile Blood Test

Brand:  Personalabs   Seller:  Personalabs  from US PId:  QU0079
Estimated Price: USD 55.00

View the Latest Discounts on this Product here.

Serviceable Areas:  US, UM

The Arthritis Profile is a comprehensive panel of blood tests used to screen your blood for the most common causes of joint stiffness.

The most common cause of joint stiffness is Osteoarthritis. The arthritis blood tests make a distinction between inflammatory causes (Rheumatoid arthritis) and non-inflammatory causes (Osteoarthritis).

Recommended For:
Diagnosing Rheumatoid Arthritis, differentiating between OA and RA.

Special Notes:
Fasting 12 hours prior to blood sample collection is necessary.

Tests Included:
Erythocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) rate - TC - 809
RA Factor (Rheumatoid Factor) - TC - 4418

Estimated Turn Around For Results:
2-10 Business Days
For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.

Healthy Female Checkup Blood Test
Healthy Female Checkup Blood Test

Brand:  Personalabs   Seller:  Personalabs  from US PId:  QU0243
Estimated Price: USD 231.00

View the Latest Discounts on this Product here.

Serviceable Areas:  US, UM

Use: The Healthy Female Checkup is a comprehensive panel of tests used as a screening tool to evaluate organ function. It also checks for markers that may detect heart disease, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, and kidney disease. This private health check also includes the most common screening tests for ovarian cancer and menopause. Recommended For: Women Special Notes: No food or drink (other than water) for 8 to 12 hours prior to testing. Tests Included: Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP 14) - TC - 10231 Iron and TIBC Panel Blood Test - TC - 7573 Lipid panel - TC - 7600 C-Reactive Protein (cardiac CRP), High Sensitivity - TC - 10124 TSH - TC - 899 CA125 - TC - 899 Complete Blood Count - TC - 6399 Urinalysis - TC - 5463 Estradiol - TC - 402 FSH - TC - 470 Apolipoprotein B - TC - 5224 Liver Function Profile - TC - 10256 Estimated Turn Around For Results: 2-10 Business Days For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.

Optimal Vegan/ Vegetarian Profile Blood Test
Optimal Vegan/ Vegetarian Profile Blood Test

Brand:  Personalabs   Seller:  Personalabs  from US PId:  QU0344
Estimated Price: USD 274.00

View the Latest Discounts on this Product here.

Serviceable Areas:  US, UM

This profile is designed by Dr. J. E. Williams to support a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle and help catch any insufficiencies in your body at the earliest stages. The optimal profile includes all of the tests in our Basic Vegan/Vegetarian Profile as well as a Lipid Panel, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Ferritin, Vitamin B12 and Folates blood tests, Methylmalonic Acid.

Recommended For:
This test is recommended for people with strict vegan/vegetarian and vegan/raw foods diet.

Special Notes:
This is a fasting test; no food or beverages other than water for 12 hours before testing.

Tests Included:
CBC with Differential/Platelet Count - TC - 6399
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP 14) - TC - 10231
Ferritin, Serum - TC - 457
Homocysteine - TC - 31789
Iron and TIBC Panel - TC - 7573
Lipid Panel - TC - 7600
Methylmalonic Acid, Serum - TC - 34879
TSH - TC - 899
Vitamin B12 and Folates - TC - 7065
Vitamin D (25-hydroxy-vitamin D) - TC - 17306

Estimated Turn Around For Results:
2-10 Business Days
For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.

Fecal Occult Blood, Immunoassay Blood Test
Fecal Occult Blood, Immunoassay Blood Test

Brand:  Personalabs   Seller:  Personalabs  from US PId:  QU0213
Estimated Price: USD 86.00

View the Latest Discounts on this Product here.

Serviceable Areas:  US, UM

Presence of blood in feces is indicative of digestive tract inflammation, cancer, polyposis, etc. Occult blood is blood present in small quantities in the feces but invisible to naked eye.

Recommended For:
People with anaemia, family history of colon cancer, cancer work-up, weight loss.

Special Notes:
No special drug or dietary restrictions are required. Results of this test are not affected by dietary peroxidases, animal blood, or vitamin C.

*If ordering additional tests, please place a separate order as Fecal Occult Blood Test sample must be given first.

Tests Included:
Fecal Occult Blood, Immunoassay - TC - 11290

Estimated Turn Around For Results:
2-10 Business Days
For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.

Comprehensive Female Wellness Checkup Blood Test
Comprehensive Female Wellness Checkup Blood Test

Brand:  Personalabs   Seller:  Personalabs  from US PId:  QU43068
Estimated Price: USD 540.00

View the Latest Discounts on this Product here.

Serviceable Areas:  US, UM

Use: Our Comprehensive Female Wellness Checkup consists of a panel of tests used as a broad screening tool to evaluate organ function, and to check for conditions such as diabetes, liver disease and kidney disease. The package includes the most common screening tests for ovarian cancer and menopause, as well as the most sensitive blood test to measure abnormal cholesterol, which can increase cardiovascular and stroke risk. Recommended For: Women; Diagnosing cardiac risk, diabetes, dyslipidemia, metabolites, family history of diabetes or cardiovascular disorders,ovarian/breast cancer. Special Notes: Fasting for 12 hours prior to blood collection is required. Alcohol must be avoided 24 hours prior to test. Tests Included: Estradiol - TC - 4021 FSH and LH - TC - 7137 Hemoglobin A1c with Estimated Average Glucose - TC - 16802 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP 14) - TC - 10231 CBC with Differential/Platelet Count - TC - 6399 CA-125 - TC - 29256 Estrogen - TC - 439 Urinalysis - TC - 5463 Homocysteine - TC - 31789 C-Reactive Protein (cardiac CRP), High Sensitivity - TC -10124 Testosterone, Total , LC/MS-MS (Women and Hypogonadal Males) - TC - 15983 Iron, Total and TIBC - TC - 7573 Thyroid Panel with TSH - TC - 7444 Cardio IQ Advanced Lipid Panel - TC - 92145 Estimated Turn Around For Results: 2-10 Business Days For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.

Bodybuilder Profile Blood Test
Bodybuilder Profile Blood Test

Brand:  Personalabs   Seller:  Personalabs  from US PId:  QU43061
Estimated Price: USD 290.00

View the Latest Discounts on this Product here.

Serviceable Areas:  US, UM

This group of blood tests is specifically designed for bodybuilders to evaluate hormone levels and overall health. Hormones are ultimately responsible for obtaining optimum physical results from training, nutrition and supplement use.

Recommended For:
Bodybuilders, weight-trainers, strongmen, powerlifters and cross-fit athletes.

Special Notes:
Fasting for 12 hours is a must. Alcohol must be avoided for 24 hours prior to test.

Tests Included:
CBC with Differential/Platelet Count - TC - 6399
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP 14) - TC - 10231
Cortisol - TC - 367
Estradiol - TC - 4021
FSH and LH - TC - 7137
Insulin, Free and Total, Serum - TC - 36700
Progesterone - TC - 745
Testosterone, Total, Serum - TC - 15983
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Antibodies - TC - 5081
Triiodothyronine (T3), Free, Serum (Free T3) - TC - 34429
TSH - TC - 899

Estimated Turn Around For Results:
2-10 Business Days
For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.

Thyroid Profile - 4 Test Blood Test
Thyroid Profile - 4 Test Blood Test

Brand:  Personalabs   Seller:  Personalabs  from US PId:  QU0420
Estimated Price: USD 164.00

View the Latest Discounts on this Product here.

Serviceable Areas:  US, UM

A selection of thyroid related blood tests to assess abnormal binding protein disorders and evaluate thyroid function.

Recommended For:
Those concerned with their thyroid.

Special Notes:
Heparin can affect the results in the Thyroxine (T4) element of this panel, and samples should not be collection during the administration, or after the administration of Heparin.

Tests Included:
T4, Free, Direct, Serum - TC - 35167
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Antibodies - TC - 5081
Triiodothyronine (T3), Free, Serum (Free T3) - TC - 34429
Thyroglobulin Antibody - TC - 30278

Estimated Turn Around For Results:
2-10 Business Days
For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.

Female Cancer Screening Blood Test
Female Cancer Screening Blood Test

Brand:  Personalabs   Seller:  Personalabs  from US PId:  QU0216
Estimated Price: USD 208.00

View the Latest Discounts on this Product here.

Serviceable Areas:  US, UM

Our cancer blood test for woman is a screening test that measures any abnormal tumor markers you may have. Tumor markers are molecules found circulating in your blood that could be associated with certain types of cancer.

Our panel tests for gender-specific tumor markers most commonly found in the cancers that affect women.

Recommended For:
Those who have a family history of cancer.

Special Notes:
No food for 8-12 hours prior to testing.

Tests Included:
CEA - TC - 978
CA-19.9 - TC - 4698
CA-125 - TC - 29256
Cancer Antigen (CA) 27.29 - TC - 29493

Estimated Turn Around For Results:
2-10 Business Days
For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.

Arginine Vasopressin (AVP, Antidiuretic Hormone) Blood Test
Arginine Vasopressin (AVP, Antidiuretic Hormone) Blood Test

Brand:  Personalabs   Seller:  Personalabs  from US PId:  QU43027
Estimated Price: USD 139.00

View the Latest Discounts on this Product here.

Serviceable Areas:  US, UM

This tests helps detect, diagnose, and determine the cause of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) deficiency or excess. It is used to investigate low blood sodium levels (hyponatremia) and to distinguish between the two types of diabetes.

ADH, also known as arginine vasopressin (AVP), is a hormone that helps regulate your body's water balance.

Recommended For:
Those who experience persistent thirst, frequent urination and dehydration or have low blood sodium levels.

Special Notes:
No special preparatin is needed prior to providing blood sample.

Tests Included:
Arginine Vasopressin (AVP, Antidiuretic Hormone) - TC - 252

Estimated Turn Around For Results:
2-10 Business Days
For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.

Anemia Profile Blood Test
Anemia Profile Blood Test

Brand:  Personalabs   Seller:  Personalabs  from US PId:  QU0060
Estimated Price: USD 135.00

View the Latest Discounts on this Product here.

Serviceable Areas:  US, UM

Detects low haemoglobin that might be due to deficiency of iron, vitamin B12, folate or due to chronic malabsorption causing weakness, glossitis, hairfall, ankle swelling and oral ulcers.

Anemia occurs when the amount of hemoglobin (found in the red blood cells) drops below normal. Hemoglobin is necessary for the transport and delivery of oxygen throughout the body. There are many different types of anemia.

This panel of tests is used to screen for the most common types of anemia (low blood). The most common type of anemia is iron deficiency anemia.

Recommended For:
Anemia work-up, pregnancy, weakness, routine check-up.

Special Notes:
Fasting 12 hours prior to blood sample collection is necessary.

Tests Included:
CBC with differential and platelet count - TC - 6399
Ferritin - TC - 457
Folates (folic acid) - TC - 466
Iron - TC - 7573
Iron binding capacity - TC - 7573
Reticulocyte count - TC - 793
Vitamin B12 - TC - 927

Estimated Turn Around For Results:
2-10 Business Days
For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.

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